Destina Wahyu WinartiBambang SumintonoCut Manda Sari2023-11-062023-11-0620232023-08-01 21st century is a century characterized by a vision and mission that emphasizes technology applications in organizing human activities. Currently, many Indonesian universities have begun to integrate, incorporate and adopt the IoT applications and devices into their academic programs. However, there are limited scientific discussions and research on IoT implementation in education within Indonesian University pose an opportunity for further exploration and advancement in this area. This study aims to address this gap by investigating students' perspectives on the benefits and challenges of IoT implementation in higher education, specifically, the research focuses on a university that have integrated and utilized IoT to support students in their academic processes. This research utilized a qualitative case study design to conduct a comprehensive analysis of students' perspectives on IoT applications. The survey findings indicate that students express a significant level of satisfaction with IoT services in terms of benefits such as quicker access to resources and improved research and learning experiences. The adoption of smart boards in classrooms enhances learning effectiveness and creates a dynamic environment. Students recognize the importance of technological fluency and a digital mindset and appreciate user-friendly interfaces. owever, challenges include the lack of clear guidelines, unstable internet connectivity, and system errors. Furthermore, students also recognize the importance of technological fluency and the development of strong technical skills to adapt to the advancements in technology. Students also highlight the positive impact of IoT on classroom management, collaborative learning, and skill development. IoT devices contribute to an easy and efficient learning process, sparking curiosity and motivation. IoT tools improve academic tasks, access to information, and overall achievements. While some challenges exist, personal exploration, peer assistance, and attending workshops help overcome them. Expectations revolve around comprehensive education, improved system quality, and expanded IoT integration. In conclusions, it is recommend adopt a technology system that facilitates the assessment of these perceptions. By using a technology system, organizations can collect data and insights from staff IT members through surveys, interviews, or other feedback mechanisms.enAll Rights ReservedInternet of thingsStudents’ perspectivesHigher educationBenefitsChallengesExploring student's perspectives on the benefits and challenges on the adaption of the Internet of Things : a case study in an Indonesian UniversityThesis