A'an SuryanaAfrimadonaIsmail Alviano2024-08-132024-08-1320242024-08-12https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14576/260Why do presidents in various similar situations display differences in decision making in situations involving risk? Previous presidential studies have considered differences in personality traits as a strong factor influencing differences in presidential attitudes and behavior. Existing literature has succeeded in proving the role of personality in the context of presidential behavior, such as campaign style and leadership style. Despite this, the president's attitude and behavior toward risk is still an untouched puzzle. This thesis offers the influence of personality trait variables that underlie differences in a president‟s risk-taking behavior. To prove this hypothesis, this study was carried out by conducting a multi-case study involving Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Joko Widodo as two Indonesian presidents who had many similar situations but had many differences in their decision making. The method used in this research is assessment-at-distance using measurement techniques through adaptation of the big five personality traits and risk-taking behavior scale. The findings of this study support the existence of differences in personality traits that underlie presidential differences in risk taking. Through the analysis result, it was found that presidents with personality traits of high openness to experience with low conscientiousness and neuroticism tend to be risk takers. On the other hand, presidents with high extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism will tend to avoid risk.enAll Rights ReservedRisk-taking behaviorRisk-aversionBig five personality traitsIndonesian presidentSBYJokowiPersonality traits and presidential political risktaking behavior : Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Joko Widodo case studiesThesisNIDN0319027401KODEPRODI67101#Political ScienceNIM02212210009