Djayadi HananTestrionoFahri Badina Nur2024-09-182024-09-1820242024-08-26 does President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s transactional leadership style affect the implementation of Political Finance Transparency (PFT)? Previous findings show that Indonesia's PFT is weak due to weak transparency and accountability principles, weak human resources, and a lack of integrity. However, why there has been no real change in terms of strong implementation is still not fully explained. This study aims to add to this void and investigate the variables of Jokowi's transactional leadership style on the weak implementation of PFT in Indonesia. The findings show that Jokowi's transaction with oligarchs and party elites has led to the weak implementation of the PFT. This study uses a qualitative research method through a literature review; analyses of primary and secondary data sources is used to answer this question.enAll Rights ReservedTransactional leadership stylePolitical finance transparencyOligarchyParty eliteJokowiIndonesiaTransactional leadership style in political context : exploring Jokowi's approach and its implications for political finance transparencyThesisNIDN0329017201NIDN2027058205KODEPRODI67101#Political ScienceNIM02212210002