Moch Faisal KarimAnnisa Milatia RahmanSuwarno2024-05-022024-05-022024-04-13Karim, M.F., Rahman, A.M. & Suwarno Assessing the China Threat: Perspectives of University Students in Jakarta on the South China Sea Dispute and the Belt and Road Initiative. Chin. Polit. Sci. Rev. (2024). on the ‘China threat theory’ in Southeast Asia have been reignited by China’s assertive manoeuvres in the South China Sea and its expansive Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). While substantial research has investigated the views of political elites and policymakers, the perceptions of educated urban youth, particularly regarding China’s geopolitical and economic strategies, remain underexplored. This study centers on Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s most populous nation, to gauge the sentiments of urban youth towards China’s rising influence. Through a survey of 403 university students in Jakarta and its vicinity, we reveal an intensifying negative stance among these young, educated Indonesians corresponding with China’s increased assertiveness and economic pursuits under the BRI. This article underscores the nuanced perspectives of Indonesia’s future leaders, offering a targeted analysis of the attitudes of educated youth in an urban setting towards evolving Sino-Indonesian relations.enAll Rights ReservedChina threatBelt and road initiativePerceptionSouth China seaChina’s assertivenessIndonesiaEconomic dominanceAssessing the China Threat: Perspectives of University Students in Jakarta on the South China Sea Dispute and the Belt and Road InitiativeArticle