Haula NoorMustafa, Esra Ahmed Abdulhalim2023-11-082023-11-0820232023-08-29https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14576/113The objective of this study is to analyze the development of Islamic psychology and explore the emerging institutions and concepts that promote the Islamic framework of psychology. The study begins by providing a thorough explanation of Islamic psychology, followed by an exploration of related ideas such as Islamization and the integration of knowledge. Utilizing a qualitative methodology and employing the case study approach, the author directs their attention towards a fundamental aspect of Islamic psychology, wherein primary data is collected through the means of interviews. Furthermore, a comprehensive examination of relevant scholarly works pertaining to the subject of this research is undertaken. The primary contention put up in this study asserts that Islamic psychology has successfully addressed the complexities associated with Islamization, while simultaneously propelling innovative approaches and empirical paradigms. Through this investigation, the present study not only increases our understanding of the emerging Islamic paradigm of psychology and its growth trajectory but also makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing scholarly conversation surrounding the integration and convergence of Islam and psychology.enAll Rights ReservedIslamic psychologyEmpiricalDigitalizationIntegrationIslamizationIslamic psychology, from hypothetical to empirical : the case of the International Student of Islamic Psychology (ISIP)Thesis