This is my agreement as the author of a thesis/dissertation with the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) in storing, archiving, preserving, and providing my thesis/dissertation in the Library and Repository of UIII, including the successor repository appointed by UIII with the following conditions:

  1. License Grant

    In consideration of UIII preserving and communicating research outputs in the Library and Repository of UIII, I hereby grant to the university:

    1. A non-exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide, perpetual, and royalty-free license for the use and reproduction of research outcomes in any media or format for the purpose of archiving, preservation, and migration in the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia Library and Repository; And
    2. Subject to the predetermined level of access to research outcomes agreed upon to be provided and disseminated to the public in the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia Library and Repository based on the license terms and other specified provisions.
  2. Depositor Warranties

    I declare and warrant that:

    1. I provide a license and have full power and authority in licensing the storage of Research Outputs in the Library and Repository of UIII;
    2. Research outputs are original works and do not violate the intellectual property rights, including copyright, of any third party, and do not contain confidential information, personal data, or restricted data;
    3. Copyright material that is owned jointly or by a third party, namely the work of another person included in research outputs, is clearly identified, and permission has been obtained for the material to be reproduced in the research outputs and made available in the repository;
    4. The grant of rights in this agreement does not constitute a breach of any other agreement, publication, confidentiality provisions, or publication restrictions in sponsorship, or collaboration agreements governing research outputs.
  3. Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia Repository Policy

    I acknowledge and agree that I have read and understood the UIII Repository Terms of Use and that the deposit of my research outputs has complied with these provisions. I acknowledge that the UIII Repository Terms of Use apply to my research outputs and may change at any time.

  4. Law and Jurisdiction

    This agreement and all matters regarding the construction, validity, and performance under this agreement shall be governed by Indonesian law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indonesian courts.