Terms of Use

Primary Data and Research Output of UIII

  1. Submit

    The deposit of Digital Recording Works by the Depositor to the UIII Library is limited to works affiliated with the International Islamic University of Indonesia. Affiliation refers to Primary Data and Research Outputs authored by Academic Personnel, UIII Residents, and other parties collaborating with UIII. Primary Data and Research Outputs conducted at the International Islamic University of Indonesia include those appearing in published journals or conferences organized by the University, or Outputs resulting from research conducted using University facilities

    The Depositor must have authority or permission over the Primary Data and Research Outputs, and the metadata of the Primary Data and Research Outputs will be made available to the public, following the FAIR principles : Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable. If possible, Depositors will be asked to make their Primary Data and Research Outputs available to the public; if not feasible, it can be done according to the access level policy.

  2. Submitted Works

    1. Submitted Works

      Primary Data and Research Outputs that can be deposited and published online according to the access level in the UIII Repository submitted by the Depositor to the UIII Library in the form of Digital Recorded Works. Primary Data and Research Outputs may include, but are not limited to, journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, theses, dissertations, various forms of research data (video recordings, spreadsheets, images, etc.), presentations and others. The UIII Library has the right not to accept Primary Data and Research Outputs that are not directly related to research conducted at UIII. Submission Implementers are strongly encouraged to submit their Primary Data and Research Outputs in an open format, to facilitate the long-term preservation of Digital Recorded Works.

    2. Article Version
      1. Author’s Original Manuscript (AOM)

        The Author’s Original Manuscript is defined by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) as the version of a journal article that the author considers to have sufficient quality to be submitted to a publisher for peer review. The author takes full responsibility for the article.

      2. Submitted Manuscript Under Review (SMUR)

        The Submitted Manuscript Under Review is a version of the journal article that is currently undergoing peer review by the publisher. The publisher acknowledges its responsibility to provide expert review and objective feedback to the author, and to assess the article’s suitability for publication with a decision of “accepted” or “rejected”.

      3. Accepted Manuscript (AM)

        The Accepted Manuscript is the version of the journal article that has been accepted for publication in a journal. The publisher has permanent responsibility for the article. The content and layout of the article have conformed to the publisher’s requirements and policies.

      4. Proof (P)

        The Proof is a version of the journal article created as part of the publication process. This includes copyedited manuscripts, galley proofs (i.e., typeset versions not yet paginated), page proofs, and revised proofs. Some of these versions may essentially remain internal process versions, but others are typically sent to the author and thus may be published, although publication of these versions is not allowed.

      5. Version of Record (VoR)

        The Version of Record is the definitive version of the journal article provided by any organization acting as the publisher, formally and exclusively declaring the article as “published.” This includes “early release” articles that are officially identified as published even before the issue compilation and associated metadata assignment, as long as the article can be cited through some permanent identifier.

      6. Corrected Version of Record (CVoR)

        The Corrected Version of Record is the version of the Version of Record of the journal article in which errors in the VoR have been corrected. These errors may be author errors, publisher errors, or other processing errors.

      7. Enhanced Version of Record (EVoR)

        The Enhanced Version of Record is the version of the Version of Record of the journal article that has been updated or enhanced by the provision of additional material.

    3. Submittable Article Versions

      The versions of articles that can be submitted and deposited in the repository are subject to the policies of each publisher. Generally, publisher policies on storing articles in repositories can be summarized as follows:

      1. The Version of Record (VoR) of an article published under gold open access can be submitted for storage in the repository immediately after the work is published.
      2. The Accepted Manuscript (AM) version can be submitted and deposited in the repository for articles not under gold open access. For most journals, there is an embargo period during which the AM must be a closed deposit. The AM version can be submitted and deposited in the repository at any time as a closed deposit. Works will automatically become open deposits after the embargo period has passed.
    4. Article Licensing
      1. The Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license or the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) license should be applied to the Accepted Manuscript (AM) version of journal articles upon submission.
      2. To encourage citation of the work (and help measure its impact with article metrics), the Depositor should include the following statements on the AM:
        1. CC BY-NC Statement
          “This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by ............ in [JOURNAL TITLE] on [date of publication], available at: https://doi.org/[Article DOI]. [INCLUDE CITATION]. It is deposited under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.”
        2. CC BY-NC-ND Statement
          “This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by ............ in [JOURNAL TITLE] on [date of publication], available at: https://doi.org/[Article DOI]. [INCLUDE CITATION]. It is deposited under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.”
  3. Submission Workflow

    1. The submission of Digital Recording Works for Primary Data and Research Outputs is conducted by self-uploading into via UIII Academic Information System (UAIS).
    2. The UIII Library validates the submitted Digital Recording Works for Primary Data and Research Outputs to ensure:
      1. The Primary Data and Research Outputs are submitted by (or on behalf of) a current or former researcher, research student, or staff member of the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia.
      2. The Primary Data and Research Outputs are relevant to Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia.
      3. The metadata description of the submitted work is appropriate.
      4. The research funder is appropriately acknowledged.
  4. Responsibilities of the Depositor

    The Depositor is responsible for ensuring that each Digital Recording Works of Primary Data and Research Outputs submitted to the Repository is produced in accordance with the University's Research Policy, the University's Research Integrity and Ethics Guidelines, and the policies of the relevant research funders.

  5. Responsibilities of the UIII Library

    The UIII Library is responsible for the curation, storage, and dissemination of Primary Data and Research Outputs in accordance with the guidelines of the research funders. This repository is managed by the UIII Library team under the Digital Initiative, and its content is curated by the UIII Library. The UIII Library is committed to the ongoing management of Digital Recording Works of Primary Data and Research Outputs, ensuring their long-term storage and access. The UIII Library strives to maintain the availability of works deposited in the Repository indefinitely. However, for technical, administrative, or legal reasons, the UIII Library reserves the right to remove deposits without notice. If this occurs, the metadata records in the Repository will remain visible permanently.

    Digital Recording Works in the Repository are considered Primary Data and Research Outputs of the University. If the Library ceases to exist, responsibility for the library's assets (both print and digital) will be determined by the University's governance. The Repository and its data will be transferred to an appropriate archive or database, controlled and managed by the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia. The Repository succession plan outlines relevant considerations when assessing and determining suitable options for transferring content in the UIII Primary Data and Research Output Repository.