The level of access options will be binding on Printed Works and Recorded Works deposited in the UIII Library and Repository.

  1. Open Access

    Primary Data and Open Access Research Outputs can be downloaded from the UIII Repository as PDF files without any restrictions other than those provided by the license. Simply click on the document file to download a copy. This level of access is suitable for Research Outputs that do not contain third-party copyright or sensitive information, where there are no immediate plans to develop the thesis into further works (such as books, book chapters, or journal articles), or if there are such plans but the publisher does not consider the availability of open access Research Outputs as prior publication. Opting for Open Access can enhance the visibility and exposure of your work by making it discoverable by search engines. This can lead to increased citations, potential for international and interdisciplinary collaboration, and attention from publishers. It also provides a stable long-term URL that you can use to promote and share your work and allows you to monitor the impact of your research by tracking citations and downloads that can be showcased to potential funders or employers. By making reference copies available to the public, the work is also more protected from plagiarism. Additionally, the Depositor may choose to embargo your Research Outputs at a later date if necessary.

  2. Embargoed Access

    The first option for embargo on Research Outputs is a maximum of 12 (twelve) months and can be extended for a maximum of up to 6 (six) years from the submission date. Meanwhile, the embargo option for journal articles is adjusted according to the journal publisher's policy. Primary Data and Research Outputs under embargo are displayed in the UIII Repository with a padlock icon above the PDF file. These files are not open access, but copies can be requested. Requests for embargoed Research Outputs will be forwarded to the authors so they can choose to grant or deny the request at the discretion of the Depositor.

    This level of access is suitable for Research Outputs that are planning to develop the Research Outputs into further works (such as books, book chapters, or journal articles) promptly and where the publisher does not object to the open availability of the Research Outputs as prior publication. It may also be suitable for Research Outputs containing third-party copyright material for which permission is being sought and expected to be granted. Embargoed Research Outputs will automatically be set to Open Access at the end of the embargo period. The UIII Library does not send reminders, so Depositors are advised to note the expiration date and contact the UIII Library Team first if they wish to extend the embargo on Research Outputs.

  3. Controlled Access

    The Controlled Access Primary Data and Research Outputs are not openly accessible, but copies can be requested. Requests for access permission to Data and Research Outputs are granted by the University Library in accordance with Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta (Law of The Republic of Indonesia, Number 28 of 2014 on Copyrights). This level of access is suitable for Research Outputs containing third-party material that cannot be edited and for which no permission is granted.

  4. Time-Limited Restricted Access

    Research Outputs with Limited Time-Restricted Access are deposited in the UIII Repository to meet University graduation requirements. However, these files are not available for request, and the files cannot be accessed. Research Outputs at this level of access will have basic metadata records and will not display abstracts. This access option is intended for articles that will be restricted for storage for more than 6 (six) years; once the time period has elapsed, Primary Data and Research Outputs will be published openly. Head of Study Programs must sign the Research Output Access Form if this level of access is chosen. This level of access is suitable for Research Outputs containing sensitive information for a specific period, Research Outputs in patent applications that are planned or in process, but it may also be applicable in other situations where sensitivity is high and will end after a specific period, and confidentiality agreements within a specified period. This level of access is not designed for situations where the goal is to develop Research Outputs into published works, but the Depositor must choose open, embargoed, or controlled access in these situations.

  5. Indefinitely Restricted Access

    Primary Data and Research Outputs with Unlimited Time-Restricted Access are deposited in the UIII Repository to meet University graduation requirements. However, these files are not available for request, and the files cannot be accessed. Research Outputs at this level of access will have basic metadata records and will not display abstracts. Faculty leaders must sign the Research Output Access Form if this level of access is chosen. This level of access is suitable for Research Outputs containing sensitive information that will remain sensitive in the future and must not be published. Examples include Research Outputs containing non-anonymized health information, revealing identifiable individual political views that could jeopardize their safety if published. This level of access is not designed for situations where the goal is to develop a thesis into a published work; students must choose open, embargoed, or controlled access in these situations.

Summary of Access Level Options for Final Academic Work (Thesis/Dissertation):

Access CategoryAbstractMetadataCan Research Outputs be accessed openly in the UIII Repository?Can electronic files be requested?Can a hard copy be requested?
Open AccessVisible in the UIII RepositoryVisible in the UIII RepositoryYesN/A: This thesis is available openly The hardcopy is deposited in the University Library and available for access by readers
Embargoed AccessVisible in the UIII RepositoryVisible in the UIII RepositoryNO Yes
Requests are received and managed by the author.
Requests are received and managed by the author.
Controlled AccessVisible in the UIII RepositoryVisible in the UIII RepositoryNO Yes
Requests are received and managed by University Library
Requests are received and managed by University Library
Time-Limited Restricted (Temporarily Restricted)Unavailable in the UIII RepositoryLimited metadata records, visible in the UIII RepositoryNONONO
Unlimited Time-Limited Restricted Access (Permanently Restricted) Unavailable in the UIII RepositoryLimited metadata records, visible in the UIII RepositoryNONONO

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