Sensitive information is data that must be protected for the privacy or security of individuals, groups, or organizations. The most likely types of sensitive information to be included in Research Outputs are:

  1. Commercial (trade secrets or information that could harm commercial interests).
  2. Health and safety (information that could endanger someone's health and/or safety).
  3. Information provided confidentially.
  4. Personal data in accordance with applicable regulations according to Undang-undang (UU) Nomor 27 Tahun 2022 tentang Pelindungan Data Pribadi (Law of The Republic of Indonesia, Number 27 of 2014 on Personal Data Protection).
  5. Culturally sensitive material (information or arguments that may be offensive to certain ethnic or cultural groups).
  6. Content referring to legal cases.

Options for Research Outputs containing sensitive information:

  1. Edit the Information:

    The Depositor needs to edit the Research Outputs containing a small amount of sensitive information. The edited version can be made Open Access, and the complete version will be deposited and not viewable. The complete version of the Research Outputs will remain available for viewing by visitors to the UIII Central Library under this option. If this option is not suitable for the Research Outputs, the Depositor may consider choosing the Time Limited Restricted level of access instead.

  2. Choose the appropriate level of access:

    The Depositor should consider choosing the Time Limited Restricted or Indefinitely Restricted level of access if the Research Outputs contain a large amount of sensitive information.

  3. Approval:

    The Depositor may seek permission from the relevant parties to include sensitive information in the Research Outputs. The UIII Central Library requires keeping copies of written correspondence granting permission and uploading them along with the submission of the Research Outputs as proof.