1. Request for Item Removal from the UIII Repository

    Requests should be made by contacting the UIII Central Library in writing regarding material violations in the UIII Repository and the use of this material infringing on intellectual property or other rights, or that the material may be subject to third-party ownership or other legal claims. The request letter should at least include the following:

    1. Detailed contact information;
    2. Sufficient information, including the complete URL, necessary to identify the relevant item;
    3. The complaint and reasons for reporting;
    4. The complainant’s request or complaint regarding copyright or related rights, confirming that the complainant is indeed the rights holder or affected subject, or an official representative of the rights holder or affected subject.
  2. Notice

    1. The UIII Central Library will receive the complainant’s request or complaint via email or letter and will conduct an initial assessment of the complaint or request and await our investigation to withdraw or disable access to the material;
    2. The UIII Central Library will contact the Depositor to inform them about the complaint regarding the work;
    3. The complainant and the Depositor will be encouraged to resolve the issue in a way that is beneficial to both parties, with the possibility that the material may be returned to the UIII Repository without changes, with changes, or permanently removed from the UIII Repository;
    4. If the complainant and the Depositor cannot agree on an applicable solution, the material will be withdrawn from the UIII Repository until a resolution is reached.