The single national curriculum : a path to centralized educational reforms in Pakistan

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Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia
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The study employs a qualitative approach, guided by the need to explore and understand the complex interplay of factors that shape the experiences of individuals affected by implementing the SNC. The research design is a qualitative case study, an empirical investigation exploring a current phenomenon in its actual setting. The case study design is helpful for collecting comprehensive, in-depth insights into complicated phenomena where context is crucial. The intellectual foundation of this study is the constructivist paradigm, which is frequently associated with qualitative research. The study reveals a wide range of viewpoints among local stakeholders and the community, representing the complexity and multidimensionality of this essential educational reform. Despite anticipation that the SNC will promote social equality, findings also point to serious concerns about the accessibility of high-quality education, particularly for pupils learning in their native tongues. The study suggests that future research should analyze the SNC's capacity to accept linguistic variety and explore ways to ensure that students from various linguistic backgrounds can benefit equally from the curriculum. Further investigation should also concentrate on the effectiveness of teacher preparation programs created per the SNC. This research hopes to advance the conversation about educational reform in Pakistan, particularly in light of the SNC, and guide future policy choices for efficient and effective implementation of the SNC.
Educational Reform Pakistan, Single National Curriculum, Centralization