Navigating leadership in the era of the single national curriculum in Pakistan : a case study of strategies and challenges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa schools

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Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia
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In Pakistan, the Single National Curriculum (SNC) represents a significant educational reform aimed at standardizing education across the country to ensure equal and uniform opportunities for all students. This study focuses on the implementation of the SNC in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a province characterized by its socio-cultural and economic diversity. It investigates how school leaders have adapted their roles in response to the SNC, the challenges encountered, and the impact on educational quality, teacher training, and student outcomes. Using a qualitative case study design, data were collected through semi-structured interviews and surveys with school leaders and teachers from various public schools, followed by thematic analysis to uncover key patterns. The findings reveal that school leaders have had to extensively alter their leadership styles, adopting transformational and distributed leadership approaches to manage the implementation challenges. Principals played a critical role in professional development, organizing workshops and training sessions to equip teachers with the necessary skills for SNC implementation. Despite these efforts, significant challenges remain, including resistance to change among educators accustomed to traditional methods, and resource limitations, particularly in rural areas. School leaders have addressed these issues through strategic resource management and partnerships with NGOs. The cultural diversity of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa also required careful consideration to ensure curriculum relevance and accessibility for all students, with school leaders working to establish culturally responsive teaching practices. Overall, the SNC has had a positive impact, standardizing educational quality across the province, improving teacher training, and encouraging student engagement. However, ongoing challenges necessitate continuous support and adaptive leadership strategies. This study highlights the importance of flexible, collaborative leadership in navigating educational reforms and underscores the need for ongoing professional development and community engagement to ensure the success of the SNC.
Single National Curriculum, School leadership, Policy implementation, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan