Statistics for Repository at UIII
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The impact of trade openness, tariff, and globalization on food security in promoting resilience against global crisis in the ASEAN region | 48 |
The factors that influence earning response coefficient : in the context of Indonesian capital market in years 2015-2018 | 43 |
Tafsir, state, and authority : behind the Indonesian official thematic commentaries | 38 |
A study of Fatwa-making : Indonesian Ulama Council (Majelis Ulama Indonesia, MUI) and classical Islamic discourse on interfaith marriages | 35 |
من علل الحديث إلى نقد المتن : تعارض الحديث والعقل ظاهريا بين المتقدمين والمعاصرين | 31 |
Between tradition and transformation in Indonesia : pilgrimage celebration among the Madurese | 31 |
The determinants of biodiesel price in Indonesia : a var model analysis | 30 |
Advancing the understanding of behavioral intentions towards I-Fintech : a study on Indonesian millennials and gen z | 29 |
Implementation of english as foreign language teaching during pre- and post-covid-19 pandemic : a narrative review | 29 |