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The impact of ESG implementation on financial performance : a case study of Indonesia stock market
(Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia, 2024) Dio Darmawan; Fajar B. Hirawan; Dionisius Ardiyanto Narjoko
This Study examines whether there is a relationship among companies between disclosure of environmental, social, and governance (ESG), operational performance (ROA), financial performance (ROE), market performance (Tobin’s Q), and market value (PER). And if these relationships are positive, negative, or simply neutral. This study aims to assess the influence of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) implementation in Indonesia, comparing it to the situations in Japan and South Korea. It will consider the discrepancies in results found in previous studies conducted in other countries. Panel regression analysis was used to examine the study hypothesis. The study sample from companies listed on the Jakarta Composite Index with a total sample of 87 companies or 696 observations for the period 2015 to 2022 is used. During the given observation period, the sample data from Japan, as reported on the Nikkei 225 Index, consisted of 221 firms, totaling 1768 during the observation time. Similarly, South Korea, as listed on the Kospi Index, has a sample size of 294 companies, totaling 2352 throughout the observation period. The analysis indicates that the introduction of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices in Indonesia has a significant negative impact on market performance, particularly measured by Tobin's Q. ESG implementation has no significant impact on other variables. The comparison of countries shows vary. The implementation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices in Japan has a significant negative influence on Return on Assets (ROA) and Tobin's Q. Meanwhile, South Korea has a negative relationship with market value as measured by PER.
Local government coordination capacity in reducing stunting prevalence : cases of Bekasi city and Bogor city
(Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia, 2024) Tri Sulistianing Astuti; Sirojuddin Arif; A'an Suryana
Stunting remains a global problem, including in Indonesia. Despite the nature of stunting reduction as a benevolent policy, which tends to be less prioritized by politicians, many countries have succeeded in reducing stunting. It raised a question: under what conditions does the government pursue stunting reduction? Most studies point out the commitment of political leaders as the main driver of the stunting reduction. However, in a democratic government, a political leader has a term limit, which makes him vulnerable to continuity of stunting reduction in the long term. Hence, I argue that the bureaucratic capacity could better drive stunting reduction since bureaucrats serve longer than political leaders. Focusing on coordination capacity, this research assesses the variation outcome of stunting reduction in Bekasi City and Bogor City during the changing landscape of stunting policies from 2018 to 2022 by employing a comparative qualitative method with Most Similar System Designs. This research concludes a strong capacity of street-level bureaucracy coordination was the core of Bekasi City’s better performance in stunting reduction compared to Bogor City. Therefore, understanding the need for a strong coordination capacity in bureaucracy and the impact of not having it can significantly contribute to increasing the successful delivery program of benevolent policy in a local government.
The dynamics of majority-muslim countries’ foreign policy on the global war on terrorism: a comparative analysis of Indonesia and Malaysia under the Megawati Soekarnoputri and Mahathir Mohamad administrations (2001-2004)
(Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia, 2024) Fahmi Syahirul Alim; Rifqi Muna; Syafii Anwar
The foreign policy dynamics of Islamic-majority countries have been debated in the field of foreign policy studies, especially since the emergence of the Global War on Terror policy after the 9/11 attacks, with a shift in foreign policy analysis that examined more domestic influences, both sociopolitical conditions and the identity and leadership of a country. By using the theory of national role conception and the idiosyncratic approach by looking at the personality of the country's leader, this study argues that the foreign policies of Indonesia and Malaysia in responding to the Global War on Terror were more influenced by domestic political conditions. However, with different institutions, Indonesia is more influenced by civil society, so it projected itself as a bridge builder of Islam and the West and Islam and Democracy. Meanwhile, Malaysia’s response was more due to the power of political parties. The role projected was “defender of the faith” by always wanting to play a role in protecting the interests of the Muslim world as a developing country, and indigenous issues to fulfil domestic political interests. By employing an idiosyncratic approach, the characters and personalities of the two leaders of this country certainly strengthen these two different roles.
Understanding the factors driving product searches : an analysis using panel data
(Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia, 2024) Pradanti Nolo Wigati; Fajar B. Hirawan; Rima Prama Artha
This study examines the factors that influence consumer product search behavior on e-commerce platforms, specifically focusing on the leading marketplaces in Indonesia, namely Shopee, Tokopedia, and Lazada using a panel data approach. This research analyzes the impact of organic and paid search strategies on organic traffic, which is an important driver for e-commerce performance. Utilizing data from 2019 to 2022, obtained from SEMrush, this study explores the effects of organic keywords, organic traffic cost, paid keywords, and paid traffic cost on the organic traffic of these platforms. In addition, the study also included dummy variables to assess the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and peak seasons on consumer search behavior. The findings reveal that organic factors, especially organic keywords and traffic costs, significantly increase organic traffic, highlighting the importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in e-commerce strategies. In contrast, paid search strategies show a complex relationship with organic traffic, with paid keywords negatively impacting organic traffic, while paid traffic costs show a more nuanced effect. The COVID-19 era and peak season were found to significantly alter search behavior, with the pandemic driving an important shift towards online shopping, thus intensifying competition in organic search. Economically, the results underscore the critical role of digital marketing in shaping consumer behavior and the broader implications for market efficiency in fast-growing Indonesia.
The negotiating of non-binary genders in muslim Bugis society : between religion and tradition
(Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia, 2024) Nur Aisyah Fadillah; Farid Fachruddin
This research examines the concept of five genders in the Muslim Bugis Society in Bone, South Sulawesi. The Bugis society recognize five gender such as oroane (male), makkunrai (female), calabai (male who take on female gender roles), calalai (female who take on male gender roles) and bissu (a gender considered to represent the full spectrum of gender). There is a gap between the belief of the gender system in the local tradition of Bugis society and the Islamic perspective, as it is known that the majority of the people are Muslim. The focus of this research study refers to three points. First, of the existence of non-binary gender adapts to the Islamic religious norms that apply in the Bugis Muslim society as well as the discussion of non-binary gender in Islamic studies discourse, second, how the identity of non-binary gender understood, accepted and negotiated in the context both religion and tradition and last, their challenges and opportunities that non-binary genders face in fighting for their identity. this research uses a qualitative method with a case study in Bone region, South Sulawesi, the data collection technique include interviews with the individual who identify as non-binary gender, the community leader and the government agency as well as document analysis from several sources. This research argues that the existence of non-binary genders in Bone region is a form of traditional belief that demonstrates a unique diversity of gender identity that does not violate the pure teachings of their religion. In fact, the path of bissu is one way to lead a path that is in accordance with Islamic teachings. Their existence also faces challenges such as pros and cons due to various issues as well as stigma and discrimination embedded in society. The findings of this study contribute to a deeper understanding of non-binary genders as part of gender diversity and explain the resilience of cultural traditions in face of social and religious change.