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Rethinking quranic interpretation : insights from al-tabari’s classical tafsir
(ZAIN Publications, 2025-01) Adel, Samiullah; Rahimi, Mahmood; Mohammadi, Asadullah
This research explores the tafsir of Al-Tabari in a deep seat to critically situate his interpretations of Quranic-related verses that deal with gender in the context of early Islamic intellectual and socio-cultural thinking and to open Al-Tabari's exegesis, which fuses pluralistic and contextual approaches, thus capturing the diverse scholarly perspectives on gender in classical Islam. That is, while Al-Tabari's tafsir reflects traditional hierarchies of gender, it also opens up avenues of a pluralistic methodology for reinterpretation today. Hereby, integrating feminist and contemporary hermeneutical frameworks, this study suggests ways in which Quranic gender verses could be read differently in terms of justice. Hence, Al-Tabari echoes in history the early Islamic norms concerning gender at the same time serving as a jumping-off point for renewed engagement with gender justice in the current context of Quranic interpretation, bringing together classical scholarship and modern views.
Teachers’ personal competence and students’ learning motivation in study english on luring learning model during pandemic covid-19 : a correlational study
(Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, 2024-10-28) M. Arif Rahman Hakim; Vira Sulastri; Andriadi; Ade Riska Nur Astari; Rahimi, Mahmood
This study aims to determine the correlation between the teachers’ personal competence and students’ learning motivation. This research employs a quantitative, correlational method. The study's population comprised all students from Madrasah Aliyah Pancasila Bengkulu, with a total sample size of 66 students from 3 classes. The research and calculation results indicate that the personal competence of the teachers at MA Pancasila Bengkulu meets the "good" criteria, with a frequency of 57 and a percentage of 86.36%. At MA Pancasila Bengkulu, students' learning motivation falls into the "medium" category, with a frequency of 36 and a percentage of 54.55%. Researchers used a two-variable correlation test to find a link between teachers' personal competence and students' motivation to learn. The Pearson Correlation coefficient was (+) 0.354, which is 35.4%, and the coefficient of determination (r2) was (0.354) 2=0.125, which is 12.5%. This means that the teachers’ personal competence variable has an effect of 12.5% on students' learning motivation.
Seeking moderation amid religious extremism and political turmoil : a case study of Afghanistan
(Post Graduate State Islamic University Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda, 2024-12-31) Adel, Samiullah; Rahimi, Mahmood; Ullah, Abid
This study investigates the interplay of Islamic ideology, violence, and political strategies in contemporary Afghanistan, examining domestic and foreign influences. This study applies library resources to explore the delicate relationships between Afghan Islamic philosophy, politics, and warfare by utilizing a thematic analysis framework. By closely analyzing the historical development of Islamic philosophy, politics, and violence in Afghanistan, as well as the impact of foreign stakeholders, the study aims to offer a thorough understanding of this interconnected web of complexities. Employing thematic analysis to dissect Islamic thoughts in Afghanistan, stressing the diversity of viewpoints and the vital role of external stakeholders. This research will shed light on the complex interplay of terrorism relationships among terrorism, politics, and conflict resolution, highlighting the dire need for Wasatiyya (moderation). By bridging historical viewpoints with contemporary ground realities, the study will offer an understanding of Afghanistan’s socio-economic and political complexities. This article significantly contributes to the academic discourse and directs future research into the complex political realities within the region.
Balancing school and part-time work : an exploratory study of Afghan elementary school students
(Utek Company, 2025-03-12) Samadi, Hangama; Rahimi, Mahmood; Ghafoori, Latifullah
Afghanistan, beset by prolonged conflict and adversities, has endured a significant socio-economic hardship that has overwhelmingly compelled families to make ends meet. To make that occur, they rely on their underage children to work in different capacities to be the family's breadwinners. This study navigates the intricacies between elementary school students balancing education and employment in the Afghan context. Adopting a phenomenological approach, the study investigates the day-to-day experiences of Afghan elementary school students (aged 8-13) managing school and part-time jobs. Data were elicited and analyzed from the semi-structured interviews and purposive sampling in accordance with Clarke and Braun's reflexive thematic analysis. The analysis identified three principal themes: challenges, experiences, and Coping Mechanisms. Challenges include hindrances to school attendance due to working hours, family financial issues, and psychological stresses. Experiences underscore the harsh physical and psychological toll, leading to fatigue, missed assignments, and daily struggles. Coping mechanisms involve limited strategies, primarily on time management and prioritizing tasks. The findings uncover the dire need for tailored interventions and international aid to address and alleviate the burden on these students.
Sensory preference manipulation in unique cuisine : viral trends on social media
(2024-12-22) Nurul Aini Suid; Muhammad Ridha; Rahmad Ade Akbar
This research explores the phenomenon of sensory preference manipulation in unique cuisines on social media, particularly TikTok. The main focus of this research is to understand how drastic changes in food form, visual manipulation and misleading marketing strategies can influence consumers perceptions and responses to unusual consumers perceptions and responses to unusual foods. Qualitative methods were used to analyze viral content, user comments and virality patterns through the TikTok platform. Findings show that changes to the shape, color, taste and ingredients of food can significantly attract consumer’s attention and create strong visual sensations. Visual manipulation and misleading marketing strategies amplify the virality effect by creating a discrepancy between the expectation and reality of the product, which triggers emotional responses and high engagement on social media. This research provides new insights into how social media algorithms accelerate the spread of viral content and its impact on culinary trends. The implications of these findings suggest that sensory manipulation can be an effective tool in digital marketing strategies, with great potential to influence consumer perceptions and increase the popularity of unconventional foods.