Scholarly Works - Education

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Exploration of leadership development challenges among MARA college lecturers
    (2024) Norashdimah Misdi; Fadzliyati Kamaruddin; Zuraidah Abdullah; Bambang Sumintono
    The educational change in the 21st Century has resulted in more dynamic leadership among educators. Thus, the issue of challenges in terms of leadership among educators becomes the focus of the present study. The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges faced by MARA College lecturers in an effort to improve their leadership level. The research design uses a qualitative method involving two instruments, namely an open-ended questionnaire and a face-to-face structured interview. A total of 37 lecturers from four MARA colleges, consisting of 9 males and 28 females participated in this study. The findings identified several factors that hinder the development of leadership among the lecturers at MARA College. It was discovered that factors such as time constraints, an unsupportive environment, and the level of lecturers' readiness became obstacles for the lecturers at MARA College to conduct action research related to T&L activity. Furthermore, feeling insecure and being negative are the internal factors, in addition to negative reactions from peers around, that also prevent the lecturers of MARA College from carrying out their knowledge-sharing activities. Thus, the management and lecturers at MARA College are advised to collectively evaluate and pay attention to action research activities that address local problems so that the learning atmosphere among lecturers can be strengthened and this can subsequently empower leadership among lecturers at MARA College
  • ItemOpen Access
    Unity in diversity : examining religious moderation across religions in Indonesia
    (Sekretariat Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI, 2024-06-30) Muhamad Maulana; Nabila Nindya Alifia Putri; Zihan Fahira
    Indonesia's rich religious diversity, epitomized by the concept of "Unity in Diversity," presents both opportunities and challenges. This study delved into religious moderation across Indonesia's six recognized religions, Islam, Christianity (Catholic and Protestant), Hinduism, Buddhism, and, Confucianism, defining it as a commitment to tolerance, inclusivity, and critical thought within religious contexts. In addition to these six religions, Indonesia is unique in recognizing the existence of diverse indigenous beliefs according to different tribes and cultures. Through a literature review, the study revealed that religious moderation varies across different faith communities, yet remains crucial for fostering peace and harmonious coexistence. Interfaith initiatives, religious institutions, and education were identified as key factors in promoting religious moderation. The study concludes that embracing the diverse expressions of religious moderation is essential for building a more inclusive and harmonious Indonesia, where “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” transcends rhetoric to become a vibrant reality.
  • ItemEmbargo
    Unleashing the potential : spatializing middle school mathematics for enhanced learning
    (Springer Nature, 2024-07-19) Destina Wahyu Winarti; Sitti Maesuri Patahuddin; Tom Lowrie
    This study assessed the effectiveness of a spatialized mathematics intervention on the mathematical performance and spatial visualization skills of students from an underprivileged Indonesian community. Grade 8 students (N = 407) were assigned to one of twelve experimental classes, receiving the spatial mathematics intervention, or one of seven control classes, continuing with the standard mathematics curriculum. Prior to and following the intervention, a pre-test and post-test design was administered. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance to ascertain the effect of the intervention. Results revealed that the students in the experimental group exhibited significant improvements in spatial visualization skills and mathematics performance (including both spatial and non-spatial competencies), compared to the control group. Importantly, the findings provide evidence that the transfer effects of the spatialized curriculum occur differentially for students of varying ability levels. The findings highlight the importance of spatial intervention in enhancing mathematics performance and spatial visualization skills. The study suggests potential avenues for a paradigm shift in mathematics education that recognizes and embraces the profound influence of spatial thinking.
  • ItemOpen Access
    God in Awe and Intimacy : Jewish and Muslim Perspectives on Understanding and Pronouncing the Name(s) of God and its Relation to the Humanitarian Crisis
    (Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, 2024-06-11) Nanik Yuliyanti
    The concept of God is essential for both Jews and Muslims. Instead of using the terms Judaism and Islam, this study considers the terms Jews/Jewish and Muslims as more proper to focus on human beings as the subject of religion who are open to dialogue and change. Loving God’s creations is a process of loving the Creator. Thus, this study tries to connect Jewish and Muslim understanding and belief in God’s Names and its implications for their actions concerning the humanitarian crisis, especially today’s Israel-Palestine relationship. This study applies the content and comparative analysis of the texts (documents, videos, and pictures) related to the issue, along with the teachings of Isaac Luria and Mulla Sadra. In addition, a phenomenological approach is also used as it leads to an effort to understand religious thought and behavior from the point of view of the religious person. This study revealed that how humans understand Divine Names is manifested in how they treat each other. As human beings are the best manifestation of God, how we see, treat, and interact with others reflects our understanding of God’s names and vice versa. God’s names are all beautiful. Therefore, those who believe in God will do good to themselves, others, and the universe.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Understanding The Complexities of Teaching Marginalized Groups And Promoting Inclusive Education in Masjid Terminal School : Teachers’ Perspective
    (Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia Press, 2024-06-28) Wiwin Indiana; Mariam Ulpah
    Behind the success of the government programs, various educational phenomena in Depok City must still be resolved, one of which is education for marginalized communities. “Marginalized people” is a more accurate description of the urban poor. Consequently, the paramount task for the government is to harness the potential of these underprivileged individuals through the promotion of inclusive education. The Masjid Terminal School (Master School) is one of the schools in Depok that provides inclusive education. A qualitative method with a case study approach is used in this study. Semi-structured interviews, classroom observations and post-observation interviews were conducted to collect the data. The findings of this study revealed that the challenges faced by students at Master School differ significantly from those encountered at other schools. Given that Master School is tailored for underprivileged students, economic hardships emerge as one of their most formidable obstacles. Nevertheless, students at Master School are afforded opportunities to enhance their capacities and skills while enrolled, as the school not only provides tuition-free lessons but also offers a variety of extracurricular activities open to all students. Furthermore, teachers and staff at Master School actively support students with a strong desire to pursue higher education, with many students having secured scholarships to study abroad.
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    The Challenges and Opportunities of Underprivileged Urbanized People in Accessing Education : A Case Study in Depok City
    (Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia Press, 2024-06-28) M Syauqi Asfiya’ R; Wiwin Windiana
    Urbanization is one factor influencing poverty in Indonesia’s major cities. Urbanization in Indonesia is characterized by migration of residents from villages to cities to improve their standard of living and try their luck in the city. However, many urbanized people who move from villages to cities need more education and specific skills. As a result, they need help to find easier and more decent jobs, even though cities provide more jobs. This condition causes many urbanized people to end up as underprivileged, such as street people busking at red lights and on the streets. This research aimed to examine the challenges and opportunities faced by underprivileged urbanized people in accessing education. The research used a qualitative case study approach. The participants in this study are urbanized people who move from villages to cities but end up being underprivileged in the cities they attend. Furthermore, the researchers used an interactive data analysis by Morse (1994), comprehending, synthesizing, theorizing and recontextualizing. The findings of this study are expected to provide a true picture of urbanized people and underprivileged people’s education. The results showed that the underprivileged urbanized people in Liu village, Depok face several challenges in fulfilling their education, such as difficulty enrolling their children in public school and paying school fees. Besides their opportunities to access education, they are already aware of government assistance, such as KIP and KDS programs, which allow them to pay their children’s tuition fees with LKS money.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Scholarly Discourse on Equity, Inclusion, and Education by Scholars in Indonesia : A Bibliometric and Science Mapping Analysis
    (Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia Press, 2024-06-28) Moosa, Visal; Charyna Ayu Rizkyanti; Bambang Sumintono
    Equity, inclusion, and education are remarkable elements encompassed in the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs). As such, there is a growing number of publications on these topics presenting some challenges to envision an overarching understating of the connections among these subjects. Hence, the purpose of the current study is to explore the body of research that involves equity, inclusion, and education that is contributed by Indonesian academia by employing bibliometric and science mapping analysis. The search was conducted on SCOPUS database which resulted in some 400 plus documents after applying the pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was analyzed employing various bibliometric analysis indicators such as number of publications, contributing institutions, citation, co-citation, and keywords. Microsoft excel and VOSviewer software was employed for conducting the analysis. The findings revealed that the number of publications and citations on the topics has been quiet fluctuating. Analyses of the intellectual and conceptual structure revealed that trans-disciplinary nature of scholarship on the topic. Based on the findings, the needs for a greater emphasis on research in these areas by Indonesian institutions/researchers are realized. It is also suggested that researchers employ an integrated approach by investigating variables from the policy and practice perspectives as well as at an organizational or systemic level. The findings are string support that education is an integral component of achieving equity and inclusion which should be taken into account while devising policies and implementing the same.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Validation of the Indonesian version of the psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ) in higher education : a Rasch analysis
    (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024-06-20) Ika Zenita Ratnaningsih; Unika Prihatsanti; Anggun Resdasari Prasetyo; Bambang Sumintono
    The present study aimed to validate the Indonesian-language version of the psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ), specifically within the context of higher education, by utilising Rasch analysis to evaluate the reliability and validity aspect such as item-fit statistics, rating scale function, and differential item functioning of the instrument. These questionnaires are designed to assess students' initial psychological status, aiming to ease their transition from school to university and monitor undergraduate students' mental health. Design/methodology/approach A total of 1,012 undergraduate students (female = 61.2%; male = 38.8%) from a university in Central Java, Indonesia completed the 24-item Indonesian version of the PCQ. The sampling technique used is quota sampling. Data were analysed using The Rasch model analysis, it was performed using the Winsteps 3.73 software. Findings The results of the Rasch analysis indicated that the reliability of the instrument was good (a = 0.80), item quality was excellent (1.00), and person reliability was consistent (0.77). In the validity aspect, all four domains of the PCQ exhibited unidimensionality, and a rating scale with four answer choices was deemed appropriate. The study also identifies item difficulty level in each dimension. Practical implications The practical implications of this study are beneficial for higher education institutions. They can use the validated Indonesian version of the PCQ to monitor the mental well-being of undergraduate students. Mapping the PsyCap can serve as a basis for developing and determining learning policies, potentially leading to improvements in student academic performance. The theoretical implications of this study are related to the advancement of measurement theory. By employing Rasch analysis, the study contributes to enhancing the validity and reliability of measurement, particularly in the context of educational and psychological assessment in Indonesia. Originality/value This current study confirmed that the Indonesian version of PCQ adequately measures psychological capital in higher education, particularly in the Indonesian context.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Implementation of English as Foreign Language Teaching during Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic : A Narrative Review
    (Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024-05-14) Rahimi, Mahmood
    This study explores the implementation of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching practices pre-covid and post-Covid pandemic. This paper employs a narrative review of selected articles that shed light on instructional challenges and opportunities in the transition from traditional classroom teaching to online and hands-on learning. The methodology employed in this study used the Google Scholar database to select pertinent studies with keywords within the title field, spanning the years 2019-2022. This study acknowledges the impact of the pandemic on English language teaching, highlighting the need for creative teaching methods and a hybrid of online and face-to-face learning for effectiveness. This paper also stresses the significance of ongoing support to address technical challenges and ensure a smooth learning experience for students. The findings highlight the shift from traditional EFL teaching to remote teaching post-COVID, stress challenges such as digital literacy, and limited resources. This necessitates ongoing support for educators to navigate online and blended learning, integrate technology, and adapt to developing teaching methodologies.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Learning Ecology Perspective of Instructors to Enhance EFL Students' Speaking Skills : a Microsystem Perspective of Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model
    (English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, 2023-12-27) Rahimi, Mahmood
    Learning ecology is considered a practical part of language learning, particularly speaking skills. In applicable terms, understanding ecological perspectives assists students in practicing speaking and other language skills better. Given the significance of learning ecology, this study investigates EFL instructors' perspectives on learning ecology to boost students' speaking skills using a microsystem viewpoint of Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model. The study stresses the gap in understanding the pivotal role of teachers' learning ecology perspectives in improving students' English-speaking skills. This study applied a qualitative research methodology with a phenomenological design to study teachers' perceptions of learning ecology. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with EFL Instructors in Indonesia with a triangulation of data sources to ensure validity and reliability. For data analysis, thematic analysis was used to search for reoccurring themes. The findings revealed that EFL instructors in Indonesia perceive learning ecology as highly influential for speaking skills. To take maximum advantage of it, instructors in Indonesia apply strategies like interactive learning and sufficient exposure. However, they also shed light on challenges in terms of the unavailability of native speakers. Their reflection on the microsystem proposed bringing EFL speaking to a more practical context. The findings of this study contribute to our understanding of how teachers may construct a learning environment that fosters the development of ESL learners' speaking skills, influenced by Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model’s microsystem layer.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Exploring Female Teachers’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation to Keep Teaching the Girls in Afghanistan After the Taliban’s Ban on Girls Education
    (Univesitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2023-12-08) Samadi, Hangama; Rahimi, Mahmood; Rahimi, Fahim
    Gender equality in education has long been a source of debate in Afghanistan. In general, girls face greater barriers to schooling than boys. There have been ups and downs in females' access to education over the decades, the most recent being the country's 20-year Islamic Republic rule. Afghan girls have gained greater access to school over the last two decades. However, the impetus was lost in the middle when the Taliban took control of the country and declared a blanket ban on girls' education at all levels except primary school. Some courageous Afghan women rolled up their sleeves to teach Afghan girls in secrecy. The current study is on the Afghan women's motivation for enabling educational opportunities for Afghan girls despite the ban. Through qualitative design, the study conducted interviews with these brave Afghan women facilitating educational access for Afghan girls. The data analysis applied thematic analysis through a six-stage procedure. The study found that Afghan women are using online and offline approach to reach out to Afghan girls with educational facilities. It was also found that both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation give passion and inspiration to them for teaching. Family, student enthusiasm, gender equality was some of the extrinsic motivation behind their teaching, while intrinsically they were motivated by commitment to teaching, feel of responsibility, and empowering Afghan girls. Nevertheless, they also faced barrier of lack of stable internet, and teaching and learning resources. By measuring their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, this study intends to contribute to a better understanding of the complex factors that drive female teachers' commitment to educating girls in Afghanistan after the Taliban's prohibition.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Elevating Student Engagement through Active Learning Strategy : An Exploratory Study of Instructional Management in State Islamic Junior High School
    (Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo, 2023-12-30) Muhammad Jikri; Najminnur Hasanatun Nida; Agustian Ramadana Putera
    Many people assume that Islamic subjects are boring because the stereotype of Islamic education always emphasizes memorisation. This research aims to find out the stages of learning management in Islamic subjects using Active Learning Strategy (ALS) to stimulate student involvement in the classroom. The data collection methods used are observation of teachers to observe how the ALS process is implemented in the classroom, interviews with teachers regarding learning management, and documentation by looking at lesson plans that have been made by teachers. The study of MTsN 4 Barito Kuala in South Kalimantan province where this school has successfully integrated Islamic subjects, student involvement, and ALS. The results of this study are: 1) We can track all the teachers' planning through the lesson plan they made and the document stated clearly they stimulate students to be active. 2) Teachers have implemented various ALS methods such as Everyone Is A Teacher Here, Index Card Match, and Team Quiz so that the atmosphere created is fun, warm, and enthusiastic. 3) To appreciate as well as encourage students to be engaged, teachers do not only assess the cognitive aspects of students but extend the range of evaluation to the affective and psychomotor domains using Behaviour-based Evaluation so that all processes are taken into account.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The contribution of profit company on education in Indonesia : An analysis of character education management in public elementary school
    (UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, 2024-02-26) Sevita Dwi Nuraini; Rukiyati; Agustian Ramadana Putera
    This research is qualitative research that aims to investigate how the profit cooperation between Astra International in 3 public elementary schools at Special Regency of Yogyakarta specifically at the city of Bantul, namely PES Jigudan, PES Gunturan, and PES Ciren collaborated. The data collection technique in this study was conducted by interviewing the principals of each school, observing the application of character education, and analyzing documents such as annual programs, teacher Lesson Plans, and school structures. Data were analyzed using the Miles & Huberman method, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study are: 1) At the planning stage, PT. Astra International took part in the initial implementation meeting and explained the 4 pillars, one of which was the character pillar, 2) At the organizing stage, PT. Astra International handed over the division of tasks to schools where the character will be implemented with all the resources they have, 3) At the actuating stage, PT. Astra International supports programs owned by schools, both funding and notions, 4) In controlling and evaluation, PT. Astra International maintained intensive communication by occasionally visiting schools and closing with an evaluation meeting at the end of each year attended by all stakeholders.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Challenges and Opportunities to Collaborative Distance Learning in Esp Instruction
    (Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Pendidikan dan Sains Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, 2023-11-30) Arfiyan Ridwan; Tera Athena
    In post pandemic instruction fueled by digital media and technology, distance learning emerges as a powerful opportunity for higher education collaboration. The Directorate of Students’ Learning, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia opens opportunities for universities across Indonesia to have collaborative online learning with those students based on underprivileged regions in Indonesia. This research investigates a case of collaborative online learning project between two universities in East Java and East Nusa Tenggara province with two ESP courses designed collaboratively and implemented with shared classes in online mode. Through this case study, two things are explored during the program: challenges and opportunities in the stage of course development and course implementation. Two course developers, four university instructors, and thirteen selected students from both universities were involved in this study. Data collection combined interviews, virtual observations, and instructional documents. Analysis employed thematic layering and triangulation, revealing challenges in four areas: course development, technology readiness, teaching methods, and student support. However, rooms of improvement are there for more prepared future collaboration. Despite the challenges, collaborative distance learning conducted by both universities can be a lesson to learn for a better online instruction in the future amidst the pluralistic backgrounds of the students and problematic technology support.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Lansia Berdaya Bangsa Sejahtera : Konsep Active Ageing terhadap Anak Muda Studi di Yogyakarta
    (Kementarian Sosial RI, 2024-05-27) Alcyva Anindita Aisha Putri; Lukman Nul Hakim
    Indonesia mengalami peningkatan pada struktur penduduk usia lanjut. Hal ini menyebabkan dampak positif dan negatif khususnya bagi keberlangsungan kehidupan bangsa. Lansia berdaya merupakan salah satu hal yang dapat meringankan kondisi bangsa untuk menjadi bangsa yang sejahtera. Konsep Active Ageing membawa bangsa Indonesia menjadi bangsa yang sejahtera. Konsep active ageing sendiri terdiri dari 8 faktor yang dibagi menjadi 2 bagian. Tentunya konsep ini akan berangkat sejak masa muda. Anak muda yang memahami konsep active ageing dapat menjadi lansia berdaya saat masa lanjut usia nanti. Hasil penelitian melalui metode statistic deskriptif ini penulis didapati bahwa anak muda memberikan hasil positif terhadap pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan terhadap konsep active ageing tersebut. Bahwa Anak Muda sudah mengetahui pengaplikasian konsep active ageing dalam kehidupan sehari- hari mereka. Secara teori kebanyakan anak muda belum maksimal dalam pemahaman konsep active ageing ini. Untuk penerapan konsep active ageing harus terus diterapkan oleh anak muda dan diteruskan kepada generasi berikutnya. Pemerintah dalam hal ini dapat memberikan pendampingan dan pemberdayaan kepada remaja agar dapat menjadi individu yang produktif bahkan hingga masa lanjut usianya yang berdampak juga pada kesejahteraan bangsa Indonesia nantinya.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Mobilitas Penduduk dan Kualitas Udara saat Pandemi COVID-19 : Studi kasus DKI Jakarta
    (Research Group in Regional Development and Environmental Management Department of Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of Engineering - Diponegoro University, 2023-08-31) Purnama Alamsyah; Lukman Nul Hakim
    Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat sejauh mana mobilitas penduduk berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan, khususnya kualitas udara. Para peneliti sebelumnya telah mempelajari dampak mobilitas penduduk dan kaitannya dengan ekonomi, pola penyebaran penyakit, dan psikologis. Namun demikian masih sedikit yang meneliti bagaimana faktor lingkungan mempengaruhi dan dipengaruhi oleh mobilitas manusia. Bencana covid-19 secara kebetulan memberikan peluang bagi peneliti untuk mempelajari dengan kondisi yang sulit terulang, yaitu kondisi Kota Jakarta yang lebih lengang, dikarenakan mobilitas penduduk di Jakarta yang menurun drastis dikarenakan lockdown. Peneliti berusaha mempelajari fenomena tersebut menggunakan kerangka teori Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR). Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif dengan mengkaji data mobilitas dari Google Mobility Index dan Rom tom Traffic index. Sementara sumber data respon publik diambil dari data cuitan di twitter yang diambil dari Twitter Archiving Google Sheet (TAGS) versi 6.1.7 mulai dari tanggal 15 Februari hingga 22 Mei 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan mobilitas penduduk dalam berkendara ternyata tidak secara otomatis akan menurunkan kadar polutan di udara. Terdapat faktor lain yang berkontribusi terhadap polusi di Jakarta, yaitu industri yang berada di Jabodetabek yang mengelilingi Kota Jakarta. Artikel ini bermanfaat bukan saja bagi pemerhati lingkungan, melainkan juga para pengambil kebijakan, bahwa upaya memperbaiki kualitas udara di Kota Jakarta dapat dilakukan dengan mengatur mobilitas penduduk di Kota Jakarta, dan memonitor pihak industri.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Divorce Narratives and Class Inequalities in Indonesia
    (SAGE Publications, 2023-02-02) Rachel Rinaldo; Eva F. Nisa; Nina Nurmila
    In the past 20 years, divorce has increased in Indonesia. Indonesian statistics show that divorces initiated by women exceed those by men. One issue that is often neglected is how socioeconomic differences also play a role in this matter. Drawing on our collaborative research on Muslim divorces in Indonesia, this paper focuses on the interplay between divorce strategies and socioeconomic differences among Muslim couples. Our in-depth interviews with 93 Muslim men and women and 19 judges from Islamic courts show that class differences shape distinctive dynamics of divorce among Muslim Indonesians. Couples from less educated, lower-income backgrounds accept marriage dissolution more easily, with women becoming much less tolerant of men’s behaviors such as infliction of domestic violence, infidelity, and failure to provide financial support. Educated, middle-class urban couples divorce for similar reasons but tend to experience a lengthier process accompanied by complex layers of conflict. Many educated women’s narratives emphasize their ability to support themselves through working, and a desire to be free of a bad marriage at any cost. Class and education thus contribute to significant differences in the experience and trajectories of divorce in Indonesia.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Understanding the Complexities of Child Marriage and Promoting Education to Prevent Child Marriage in Indramayu, West Java
    (Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram, 2023-12-31) Nina Nurmila; Wiwin Windiana
    The problem of child marriage in Indonesia is complex. There are many factors affecting the incidence of child marriage, such as poverty, lack of education, religious belief, social pressure, and limited employment opportunities. This paper aims to understand the complexities of child marriage in Indramayu, West Java. The Indonesian government has tried to eliminate child marriage, such as by amending the Law on the minimum age of marriage from 16 to 19 years old for girls. This paper argues that due to the complex problems of child marriage, eliminating child marriage requires many efforts to address the causes of child marriage, not only by amending the Law. This research is feminist research, which combines knowledge production with activism. It does not merely produce "knowledge what" but also "knowledge for" by encouraging girls to continue their studies to prevent child marriage. The finding shows that most women regretted marrying underage because they were financially unprepared. This implies that child marriage can result in economic insecurity, leading to a cycle of poverty in society.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Rasch Calibration and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analysis of the School Well-Being Scale for Students
    (LPPM Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika, 2024-03-09) Eka Hermansyah; Charyna Ayu Rizkyanti; Lukman Nul Hakim
    This study aims to examine the quality of the school well-being scale for high school students..This study used a quantitative approach with Rasch model analysis. The validity, reliability, and differential item functioning (DIF) assessment are all part of the psychometric examination. The 165 high school students in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara province who took part in this research were 40 males and 125 girls, ages 11 to 18 (mean age = 15.87, SD = 1.39). The findings of the Rasch analysis show the instrument passes the validity test but has weak reliability. The statistical analysis of the Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of the instrument is 0.43. More detailed results are shown by the Rasch model analysis reliability of person on 0.47 and item reliability of 0.98. This result explains the good quality of the instrument, while the reliability of the instrument needs to be strengthened by controlling the demographic factors. The scale can be used by school management to understand well-being of the students, and further for the improvement of school quality.
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    Extending the Dialogue: Responding to Indonesian Multicultural Children’s Literature Cap Go Meh
    (Prodi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2024-04) Tati Lathipatud Durriyah; Sofie Dewayani
    Cap Go Meh is an Indonesian picture book with interreligious and multiethnic themes and has been translated to English and been awarded for promoting multiculturalism. Studies that focus on reader response to interreligious theme of children’s literature are scarce. This study examines a reading engagement of a group of Muslim preservice to Cap Go Meh read aloud. Using a framework of reader response theory that pays attention to cultural influences including religions, this qualitative study posed a question: How do Indonesian Muslim preservice teachers respond to the multicultural story in Cap Go Meh. The respondents’ writing responses generated two major themes. One was concerned with how the preservice teachers relate to Cap Go Meh and how its narrative leads to their reflections about diversity. The other one focused on how the participants might extend the story of Cap Go Meh and highlighted the preservice teachers’ concerns with the role of adults (parents) in the story. Additional data from one participant could potentially show a case for furthering literary experiences using multicultural children’s literature. The researchers note that responses to sensitive issues such as religious diversity occur mostly in a context where there is encouragement from teachers. In this case, it is crucial to highlight the importance of bringing multicultural children’s literature like Cap Go Meh as a medium to discuss the lives and perspective of others.