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Item Open Access Indonesian literacy teachers’ efforts to integrate children’s literature in literacy classrooms(Springer, 2023-12-30) Tati Lathipatud Durriyah; Firman Parlindungan; Sofe Dewayani; Sary Silvhiany; Amos, YukariLiteracy is now an essential part of teaching for Indonesian teachers. This qualitative case study reports on three Indonesian teachers as they integrate the use of children’s literature into their literacy instruction. For 4 months, the teachers’ eforts to use children’s literature were documented through multiple sources such as focus group discussions and interviews, teachers’ refections, and classroom observational notes. The study uses the reader-response theory framework, especially the notion of teachers as part of the learning context in promoting students’ engagement with a text. The study highlighted some case study teachers’ classroom practices centering on children’s literature, giving access to books, infusing children’s literature in teaching, and using books to discuss difcult topics with students. The fndings discussion sheds light on some contributing factors to the teachers’ decision to integrate children’s literature into their classrooms and how they could make such decisions. The discussion points to a larger picture of how these teachers were empowered to make decisions to integrate children’s literature, particularly with diverse themesItem Open Access The effects of replacing traditional punishment with mindfulness practices in schools(Faculty of Education, International Islamic University Islamabad, 2023-12-30) Ahmed, Maroof; Akbar, Ghulam; Kamal, ShafaqIn an era where traditional punitive measures are increasingly critiqued for their efficacy and potential harm, this study delves into the effects of introducing mindfulness practices as disciplinary measures in secondary school settings. Situated in an urban school environment and spanning a six-month duration, the research employed a quasi-experimental design involving 40 students. Quantitative findings indicated a significant reduction in behavioral issues and an enhancement in psychological well-being among students subjected to mindfulness interventions. Qualitative insights, gathered from focus group discussions with educators and students, echoed these results, elucidating the transformative potential of mindfulness in fostering a positive learning environment. However, concerns were raised about the time and resources required for consistent mindfulness implementation. While the study offers promising insights, the results are bound by certain limitations, including a specific age and geographical focus. The findings underscore the potential of integrating mindfulness practices in educational settings, advocating for a balanced approach in school discipline that melds traditional and contemporary methods. Future research is recommended to explore the long-term implications across diverse demographics and settings.Item Open Access The influence of engagement levels within university organization on the formation of identity during emerging adults(ZAIN Publications, 2023-10) Eka Hermansyah; Rahayu AzkiyaThis study looks into how university organization affects identity formation as individuals during emerging adulthood. Concentrating on emerging adulthood, a crucial stage marked by identity exploration. This study aims to understand how the social environment within university organizations shapes individuals' identity formation. By integrating theoretical frameworks from Erik Erikson and Jeffrey Arnett, the research employs a quantitative approach with non-experimental design, utilizing surveys to measure organizational involvement and the Function Identity Scale (FIS) to assess identity development. Linear regression analysis is conducted to explore the relationship between organizational involvement and identity development. The result of the calculation, organizational activity significantly predicts identity, F(1.46) = 9.125, sig = .004. Then a small correlation of R=.166 shows that the prediction level given is 16%. This result will contribute to a better verified the role of higher education institutions in supporting emerging adults' identity formation through organization, guiding the development of supportive environments and promoting the well-being and success of individuals during this transitional phaseItem Open Access A bibliometric analysis on artificial intelligence in mathematics education(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2024-01-30) Prawidi Wisnu Subroto; Maulana Malik; Aji Raditya; Nisvu Nanda SaputraThe research on artificial intelligence in mathematics education has attracted much attention from researchers since the last decade. Thisstudy aims to provide holistic information about artificial intelligence in mathematics education research using bibliometric analysis. Data for the analysis were extracted from the Scopus database from 1986 –2023. The analysis, conducted using R-packages (Bibliometrix) and VOSviewer software, identifies the relevant nations, affiliations, journals, articles, and keywords on artificial intelligence in mathematics education research. The study reveals that 565 documents have been published in 354 journals,with an average annual growth rate of 11.27%. These documents, on average, have received 14.61 citations each. The research field has engaged a total of 1,847 authors, with an average of 3.26 authors contributing to each document. Additionally, 17.17% of these publications involved international co-authorship, indicating a moderate level of global collaboration. Our findings reveal a growing interest in using artificial intelligence as an educational tools and methods, particularly in the United States andChina, which lead in publication output and citations. The analysis also reveals emerging trends and research gaps. The keywords such as "virtual reality," "sustainable development," and "COVID-19" reflect recent research focus on artificial intelligence in mathematics education research. Meanwhile, the keywords such as "mathematical literacy," “assessment,” and "gamification" identified as underexplored areas, suggesting potential opportunities for future research on artificial intelligence in mathematicseducation research.Item Open Access Independent learning-independent campus curriculum : students’ reflection on efl quality in english education(LP2M-STAI Hubbulwathan Duri, 2023-12-11) Fahriany; Viviana Lisma Lestar; Hasnan YasinIn the current information age, English as a foreign language (EFL) education at higher education institutions must provide students with more than just proficiency in English. However, Developing a curriculum that addresses these issues at the college level is a complex process that has gained universal attention in higher education institutions across Indonesia, driven by the influence of globalization trends and advancements in information technology. The aim of this study was to examine the application of to improve the quality of EFL education in the English Education Department at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. A descriptive qualitative approach was employed, using a questionnaire and interviews to collect data from 61 students in the English Education Program. The findings of this study indicate that while most students are aware of the Independent LearningIndependent Campus Program, there has been a lack of introduction and implementation of the program in the Department of English Language Education. However, students are still attracted to the program due to their perception of its significance and its potential benefits for their studies and future careers. They believe that participating in the program will not only provide them with new knowledge and experiences but also develop skills that are valuable for their profiles and prospective careers, such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and other essential skills.Item Open Access Wasatiyyah as foundation course at Universitas Islam International Indonesia(Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro, 2024-05-28) Nurhalimah Siregar; Muhammad Abdul AzizThe Islamic concept of wasatiyyah is reflected in the Qur’an, which refers to the Muslim community as a moderate people (ummatan wasatan). It means that a Muslim should be in the middle path in many aspects of life, which promotes benefits and avoids extremism. In doing so, education plays a significant role in promoting the concept of wasatiyyah. However, the concept itself has been neglected in the teaching and learning of Islamic higher education, which is an inseparable part of urban Muslim communities. This study is aimed to explore the implementation of the wasatiyyah course at Universitas Islam International Indonesia. The study was conducted qualitatively with a case study research design to investigate students’ perspectives on the wasatiyyah course. A total of four participants with different backgrounds of study, cultures, and religions participated in this study. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed with the Miles and Huberman framework. Overall, the result of the study shows that the students perceive positively towards the course of wasatiyyah Islam. In addition, the study also demonstrates students’ reflection on the practice of the concept of wasatiyyah in a plural context. Hence, it recommends reimagining the concept of wasatiyyah in Islamic universities by implementing the idea into the course subjects to promote tolerance and harmony within diversity.Item Open Access Rethinking student-center learning approach in Indonesia's Islamic higher education curriculum : a systematic literature review(Badan Litbang Dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI, 2023-12-26) Muammar Kadafi; Mariam UlpahWhen developing a curriculum for Islamic higher education, it is necessary to consider a student-centered learning and emphasize pedagogical principles in Islamic education. This study aims to find out what things need to be considered when designing the curriculum and how student-centered learning is implemented in Indonesia’s Islamic higher education curriculum. The method used is a systematic literature review. This study finds that the aspects that need to be considered in designing a student-centered approach in a curriculum that is in accordance with Islamic pedagogical principles include the storytelling pedagogical method, the method of the critical dialogue, the teacher's demonstration, homework assignments, reflection and inquiry discussion methods, the question-and-answer approach, and field studies. Meanwhile, theoretically, the curriculum applied in Indonesia is relevant to the aims of Islamic education in terms of components of the learning process and the outcomes of student-centered. However, there are still many obstacles to implementing the program.Item Open Access Kesejahteraan semu dalam dialektika perilaku bunuh diri di kabupaten Gunung Kidul : tinjauan sosial psikologis(Ministry of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia, 2023-08-10) Lukman Nul Hakim; Reza Amarta Prayoga; Mery Ganti; Muslim Sabarisman; Hidayatulloh, A. NururrochmanKasus bunuh diri di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta setiap tahunnya rata-rata sebanyak 30 orang. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimanakah pola perilaku bunuh diri di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul? Bagaimanakah penjelasan mengenai fenomena Pulung Gantung di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul? Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi dasar bagi pihak terkait dalam menyusun langkah preventif perilaku bunuh diri di Gunung Kidul. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik penelitian wawancara dan kajian literatur digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Untuk alasan etis, wawancara tidak dilakukan kepada penyintas ataupun keluarga pelaku bunuh diri, melainkan kepada pihak yang terlibat dalam penanganan bunuh diri di Gunung Kidul, diantaranya pihak pemerintah daerah, rumah sakit, kepolisian, dan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaku bunuh diri lebih banyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki, berusia diatas 58 tahun, berprofesi sebagai petani, dengan cara gantung diri, pada pukul 02-03 dinihari, sering dilakukan di bulan maret, dengan motif faktor usia, penyakit menahun, dan tekanan ekonomi. Paling banyak terjadi Kelurahan Semin, Gedangsari, dan Wonosari. Penanganan fenomena bunuh diri membutuhkan kolaborasi dari berbagai pihak. Pemerintah daerah harus meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan bagi lansia. Program Posyandu Lansia harus di intensifkan dengan menyasar kesehatan fisik dan psikis. DPRD harus mengawasi implementasi program pemerintah daerah. Perlu keterlibatan akademisi dan masyarakat.Item Open Access Political partisanship, trust, and attitudes toward covid-19 vaccines in Indonesia(Duke University Press, 2023-02-01) Iim Halimatusa'diyah; Tati Lathipatud DurriyahContext: This study examines the extent to which political partisanship—measured as support for either the incumbent candidate for Indonesia's presidency, Joko Widodo (popularly known as Jokowi), or for Jokowi's challenger, Prabowo—affects individuals' risk perception of COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and refusal as well as beliefs about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. Methods: The authors performed multinomial logistic and ordinary least squares regression analyses on a nationally representative sample of a national survey on public trust in COVID-19 vaccines and vaccinations that was conducted in December 2020. Findings: Individuals who voted for Prabowo in the 2019 presidential election were more likely to have a lower level of willingness and a higher level of hesitancy to get the COVID-19 vaccine than those who cast their ballot for Jokowi as the Indonesian president. Conclusions: Political partisanship does matter in shaping individuals' hesitancy or refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia. The effect of partisanship is also significant in shaping individuals' trust in the efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, but it is not significantly associated with individuals' risk perceptions.Item Open Access Local wisdom-based multicultural education : Muhammadiyah experience(International Islamic University Malaysia, 2025-01-26) Abdul Mu'ti; Alpha AmirrachmanLocal wisdom plays a role in helping to face every day challenges. Indonesia’s society is multicultural and has a variety of local wisdom. Local wisdom is a product of thoughts, views of life, behavior, habits, and other elements produced by certain communities that show the identity and uniqueness of that community. The diversity of local wisdom can be accessed and cultivated through education because education is a place for the nation's future generations to learn and be guided as citizens and leaders. Through its network of members spread across various parts of the country, Muhammadiyah has established a large number of educational institutions from early childhood to tertiary institutions spread across the archipelago. The motivation is the da'wah of Islam through educational institutions. At the same time, Muhammadiyah carries the spirit of inclusivity as it has organised education for all. It can be said that Muhammadiyah adjusts itself to the local wisdom by accepting students regardless of religious, ethnic, citizenship and economic background. This inclusivity of Muhammadiyah educational institutions is proven by the fact that it is mostly Christian students who attend many Muhammadiyah schools and universities in the eastern parts of Indonesia. The teachers play the most important role in ensuring that a democratic, peaceful and enriching schooling eco-system comes into existence. The training of the teachers and support staff can be perceived as emphasising on three major parts: awareness, knowledge, and skills.Item Open Access The challenges and opportunities of the merdeka belajar policy in higher education : the prospects for its implementation(UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, 2024-12-31) Wiwin Windiana; Kamalatan Nihaya; Muhammad Iqbal NugrahaPermendikbudristek number 12 year 2024, explains that the Merdeka curriculum includes the basic curriculum framework and curriculum structure. It exists because Curriculum 13 (Kurtilas) sets standards but can be rigid, limiting schools' flexibility to adapt to local needs and student interests. This research aims to analyze further and beyond the challenges and opportunities of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum for the prospects of future curricula and the prospects of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum itself. This research used a systematic literature review from 34 highly regarded global and national indexes and computerized databases accessible via Scopus Dimension accounts. Data analysis in this paper entails the process of inspecting, filtering, and modeling data to discover useful information, draw conclusions, and support decision-making. The finding shows the diffusion of innovation of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum adopted from Roger’s theory (2003). The main challenges are curriculum adjustment, funding, and partnership exploration. While the opportunities are producing academically competent graduates and skills in the face of technological challenges and society’s expectations, independent learning, enhancing students’ competency in soft and hard skills as human capital that fits the age of digital technology, as well as inviting various partners and universities and providing a range of learning experiences and networking options for students.Item Open Access Examining educational equity in Indonesia through student performance in the certified emancipated learning internship program(Pusat Analisis Keparlemenan Badan Keahlian DPR RI, 2024-12-31) Lukman Nul Hakim; Destina Wahyu Winarti ; Kayen, Hazrat Shah; Numan, Muhammad; Indra Cakra Buana; Dewi BarlianaThe disparity in access to quality education between regions within Java and those outside it perpetuates systemic inequality. While urban areas in Java benefit from comprehensive higher education, skilled faculty, and ample resources, students in non-Java regions often face significant limitations. This study uniquely examines this educational inequality through the lens of student performance in the Merdeka Campus’s Certified Internship Program (MBKM), comparing students from universities within Java to those outside. Using a quantitative approach, the research analyzed the internship performance of 144 students—120 from Java and 24 from outside Java—based on a performance rubric developed by the MBKM Team at their respective internship institutions. This rubric includes assessments from student logbooks, academic tests, observation forms, article papers, and presentations. Evaluations were conducted by trained mentors, and an independent t-test was applied to identify performance differences. Results indicated a significant disparity in final scores, with students from Java-based universities outperforming those from outside Java. This study highlights the need to address educational disparities in internship performance and recommends affirmative policies from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology to support students from outside Java, particularly in internship programs.Item Embargo Academic motivation scale’s psychometric attribute : analysis using rasch measurement model(Springer, 2024-12-17) Very Julianto; Bambang Sumintono; Nandia Putri Zuhdi Almakhi; Hana Avetazain; Thifal Maida Wilhelmina; Destina Amelia WatiIn an academic context, it is important to measure students’ academic motivation, which is closely related to learning improvement. One popular and widely used instrument to measure academic motivation is the 28-items Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) from Vallerand et al. (1989). This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of AMS using the Rasch model measurement approach. A total of 1,193 Indonesian secondary school students participated in the study, and their self-reports were used to check instrument quality, including reliability, validity at the instrument level as well as at the item level. The findings showed that AMS Indonesia has adequate psychometric properties. However, four unfavorable items in one construct detected that they came from other dimensions, the rating scale used needs to be shortened, and a few items need to be revised because they have different item functioning. Further testing and refinement of the scale should be conducted.Item Open Access Intolerance of uncertainty predicts happiness of young adults in post covid-19 pandemic(Universitas Mercu Buana, 2024-10) Arie Suciyana Sriyanto; Lukman Nul HakimThere is evidence that intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is associated with difficulty experiencing positive emotions such as happiness. There is a scarcity of research examining the relations between IU and Happiness during and after the covid-19 pandemic. We examined the degree to which IU predicts Happiness of young adults. This research was conducted using data from 555 participants, age 18 to 35 (SD = 3.34, M = 22.96). Data collected using the online questionnaire used will be created using items derived from two measuring instruments or scales that have been adapted by translating the scale items from English into Indonesian. IU was measured using 12 items the Intolerance for Uncertainty Scale (2 dimensions) from Shihata, McEvoy, and Mullan. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (5 dimensions, 29 items) was used to measure happiness. As predicted, IU corelates and predicted happiness. The correlation test between dimensions shows that overall happiness has significant positive correlation with both dimension of IU. On the other hand, the total IU score did not correlate significantly with the life satisfaction dimension of happiness.Item Open Access Debunking disinformation on YouTube : a fact check on the 2024 Indonesian election(Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, 2024-11-28) Purnama Alamsyah; Lukman Nul Hakim; Gustaf Wijaya; Arditya WicaksonoThe increasing number of hoaxes circulating on digital platforms in Indonesia is concerning. Following the 2024 Indonesian presidential election, the spread of disinformation, specifically on YouTube, has intensified, posing significant risks to public trust and the electoral process. These hoaxes have the potential to destabilise societal harmony and influence voter perceptions. In response, fact-checker institutions have played a critical role in exposing disinformation. This article explores the mechanisms of assessing accuracy on YouTube during the 2024 election, focusing on how Indonesian fact-checking institutions operate. The research used a qualitative approach, with two data collection techniques– interviews with key stakeholders and field observations of fact-checking processes. This research revealed that fact- checking in Indonesia is falling behind the rapid disinformation production. Combating disinformation requires more than current efforts—it demands a coordinated, resource-intensive approach involving the executive, legislative, judiciary, and civil society's active engagement. Innovative policies, technological advancements, and well-trained human resources are imperative to ensure its effectiveness.Item Embargo University student readiness and academic integrity in using ChatGPT and AI tools for assessments(Springer, 2024-11-19) Chuah, Kee-Man; Bambang SumintonoThis chapter explores the use of ChatGPT for academic support in higher education, concentrating on students’ readiness, perception of its usefulness, and understanding of academic integrity issues. A quantitative approach with a non-experimental design was employed. The study involved 374 university students as participants, with data cleaning and validation carried out using WINSTEPS software and further analysis was conducted using Rasch Rating Scale Model. The key findings highlight varied levels of student readiness and awareness concerning the use of ChatGPT and adherence to academic integrity. The study points to the urgent need for universities to provide more explicit guidelines on using artificial intelligence (AI) tools within academic contexts. The results reveal that while students see the potential benefits of ChatGPT in aiding their studies, many lack full preparedness for its incorporation into their academic routines. The analysis of variance indicated significant differences in the readiness and perceived usefulness of ChatGPT among students based on the frequency of its usage. However, there were no significant differences in terms of academic integrity across different demographic groups. This research contributes to the understanding of how students perceive and engage with AI tools in higher education. It also provides insights on the future of digital assessments in higher education, particularly how AI tools like ChatGPT might reshape assessment methods, particularly in upholding academic integrity and honesty.Item Open Access Longitudinal study of school climate instrument with secondary school students : validity and reliability analysis with the rasch model(University of Malaya, 2024-10) Siti Nadya Zynuddin; Bambang SumintonoThe school climate plays a pivotal role in students’ outcomes. Previous literature has highlighted several methodological approaches employed in the school climate domain, including longitudinal studies. However, little is known about the validity and reliability of school climate instruments for longitudinal studies using Rasch analysis. Rasch model is a powerful approach to validate assessment on both item and test levels. Rasch model is coined from the probability of each response and includes item difficulty parameters to characterize the measured items. Moreover, the score represents the item and the person involved with the assessment. Thus, the current study aimed to validate school climate instruments for longitudinal studies with a six-month gap within the context of secondary school students by utilising Rasch analysis. This study evaluated aspects of reliability and validity, such as unidimensionality, rating scale analysis, item fit statistics, item targeting, and differential item functioning. A total of 1,495 secondary school students from public schools in Selangor, Malaysia, completed a 28-item Malay version of the school climate survey at Time-1 and Time-2, with a six-month gap. The results of the Rasch analysis indicated that the instrument had excellent reliability and separation indices, excellent unidimensionality and construct validity, a functional rating scale, good item-person targeting, and good item fit statistics. The current findings provided valid and reliable insights pertinent for policymakers to strategise interventions and initiatives to enhance the quality of school climate and overall education, particularly in the Asian context.Item Open Access Measuring the impact of Islamic values-based scientific literacy on scientific competency of madrasah teachers(Society for Research and Knowledge Management, 2024-04-30) Asiyah Asiyah; Deni Febrini; Adrian Topano; Abdul Aziz Mustamin; M. Arif Rahman HakimBased on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 383, 382, 403 assessment, the scientific literacy level of students in Indonesia remains relatively low. This study seeks to ascertain the outcomes of scientific competency assessments and scientific literacy when combined with Islamic principles, as well as its impact on the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) approach employed in education. The study was carried out from February to November 2023 and included quantitative research methods. The instruments employed in this investigation encompassed observation and test sheets. The research findings on the STEM approach have a substantial influence on the scientific competence and scientific literacy of prospective madrasah instructors. This impact was determined by the independent samples t-test with equal variances. If the significance (2-tailed) is less than 0.05, then the hypothesis is accepted. In this study, the independent samples t-test was used to assess both scientific competence and scientific literacy. It was found that the values obtained indicated equal variances. The significance level was assumed to be less than 0.05, indicating that the hypothesis, which indicates that there is an influence, is accepted. In addition, the control class had an average score of 67.52% on the scientific competency pre-test and a score of 70.85% on the post-test. The experimental class, on the other hand, had a pre-test score of 66.63% and a post-test score of 79.00%. The average score for the scientific literacy test in the control class was 57.63% before the test and 74.90% after the test. In the experimental class, the pre-test score was 61.70% and the post-test score was 77.30%. The statistics clearly indicate a notable disparity in the mean score between the pre-test and post-test scores for both competence and scientific literacy in the experimental class trial. The implementation of the STEM approach resulted in a significant improvement in the average score of prospective teachers (post-test), indicating a positive impact on the scientific competence and literacy of prospective madrasah teachers.Item Open Access Eksplorasi pembelajaran literasi membaca nyaring interaktif dan buku berkualitas dalam kurikulum merdeka(Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, 2024-08-30) Tati Lathipatud Durriyah; Catur Niasari; Iin AfriyantiPemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan kebijakan standar kompetensi pengajaran literasi guru, yang meliputi kemampuan guru dalam membantu siswa dalam mengakses, menggunakan, menafsirkan, dan mengkomunikasikan informasi dan gagasan melalui berbagai teks sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kebutuhan siswa (Kementerian Pendidikan RI, 2022a). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan membaca nyaring dan pemilihan buku interaktif dalam pembelajaran literasi bagi guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Studi kasus kualitatif ini mengeksplorasi pemahaman dan praktik guru dalam memilih buku dan mengintegrasikan kegiatan membaca nyaring dengan hasil pembelajaran dalam Kurikulum Merdeka. Enam guru berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini, yang melibatkan pengumpulan data melalui survei, focus group discussion (FGD), wawancara, observasi dan refleksi lisan. Dengan menggunakan analisis data tematik manual, penelitian ini berfokus pada praktik guru memilih buku berjenjang dan mengintegrasikan diskusi dalam membacakan nyaring dengan Hasil Pembelajaran (Capaian Pembelajaran). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru mulai mengungkapkan pemahamannya terhadap pemilihan buku. Tema besar yang muncul seperti; pemilihan buku berkualitas penting serta tantangan dalam memilih buku yang berkualitas. Dalam konteks pembelajaran literasi, muncul juga beberapa tema yang menjadi refleksi guru dalam melakukan kegiatan membaca nyaring interaktif sesuai dengan capaian pembelajaran, yaitu; manfaat, kesadaran untuk persiapan kelas yang lebih baik, ruang diskusi interaktif dan pelatihan berkelanjutan.Item Open Access Korban kekerasan dalam pacaran yang sulit meninggalkan hubungannya(Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia dan Ikatan Psikologi Sosial-Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia, 2024-08-27) Ratu Ifthiharfi; Charyna Ayu Rizkyanti; Muhammad AkhyarKasus kekerasan dalam pacaran (KDP) menjadi salah satu kasus dengan angka tertinggi di Indonesia. Hanya saja, kebanyakan korban KDP memilih untuk bertahan dalam hubungannya dan mengampuni pasangannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah strategi regulasi emosi memediasi hubungan antara komponen kelekatan romantis terhadap empati pada KDP. Partisipan penelitian merupakan korban KDP berusia 18-29 tahun (N= 367) yang berdomisili di pulau Jawa. Sampel penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik volunteer (opt-in) panels, yaitu partisipan bersedia berpartisipasi dalam penelitian setelah melihat ajakan di laman situs web tanpa direkrut secara resmi. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen Basic Empathy Scale untuk mengukur empati afektif dan empati kognitif, Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory untuk mengukur komponen kelekatan romantis, yaitu avoidance dan anxiety serta Emotion Regulation Questionnaire untuk mengukur strategi regulasi emosi, yaitu reappraisal dan suppression. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis mediasi F. Hayes model ke-4. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa strategi reappraisal memediasi pengaruh komponen avoidance terhadap empati afektif dan kognitif. Implikasi dalam penelitian ini untuk para terapis diharapkan dapat membentuk attachment positif pada korban KDP agar korban KDP dapat menstabilkan empati kognitif dan afektifnya serta tidak terjebak dalam hubungan yang terdapat kekerasan.