Scholarly Works - Islamic Studies

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Muslim women entrepreneurs : an exploratory study of the nigerian ‘mumpreneurs’ perspective
    (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024-07-30) Nasir, Muhammad Muhammad; Shamim, Saemah
    Purpose – This paper explores the motivations and challenges faced by Muslim women ‘mumpreneurs,’ in Northern Nigeria, a region with a predominantly Muslim population. The unique socio-religious and cultural context of Northern Nigeria serves as a key driver for this research, prompting a deeper understanding of the experiences of Muslim mumpreneurs in the area. Design/methodology/approach – The study employed a qualitative approach, by utilizing semi-structured interviews with 12 Muslim mumpreneurs residing in various states across Northern Nigeria. Accordingly, thematic analysis was used to explore the influence of their motherly roles on their entrepreneurial experiences. Findings – Thematic analysis revealed three key themes: Motivations: Mumpreneurs were driven by desires for financial independence, positive societal impact and increased flexibility to manage work-family balance. Challenges: Lack of capital, skills, knowledge and sociocultural constraints (e.g. gender norms) impeded their progress. Push and pull factors: Their entrepreneurial journeys were shaped by both internal aspirations and external societal influences. Originality/value – The findings of this study provide further understanding of the distinct experiences of Muslim mumpreneurs in Northern Nigeria, contributing significantly to our knowledge of the dynamics of Muslim women mumpreneurs in a specific, understudied Muslim society. By implication, it highlights the need for targeted support for this under-researched population, informing policymakers, support organizations, and future research endeavors.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Sultan, Survivors, and Silencers : The# ArewaMeToo Movement in Northern Nigeria's Online Sphere
    (Department of Religious Studies, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2024-03-01) Nasir, Muhammad Muhammad; Shamim, Saemah
    The #ArewaMeToo movement in Nigeria is a social mediadriven campaign against sexual harassment and gender-based violence. The movement has generated controversy and resistance, prompting a closer examination of its emergence, trajectory, impact, and implications. This study, therefore, examines the emergence and trajectory of the movement and how it has used social media platforms such as Twitter (X) and Facebook to raise awareness about sexual harassment and gender-based violence in northern Nigeria. The movement has attracted significant attention and support, particularly from women who identify themselves as survivors of sexual harassment and who seek to challenge dominant approaches to sexual assault and harassment in the region. Drawing on both secondary and primary sources, this qualitative study provides a comprehensive understanding of the #ArewaMeToo movement and its impact. This research finds the controversial factors that contributed to the Nigerian Sultanate Council’s decision to ban the movement, including the influence of Muslim intellectuals and social media influencers. It also reveals the historical context, key actors, and impact of the movement, as well as the effectiveness of online movements in driving social change.
  • ItemOpen Access
    From Villain to Hero : The Role of Disengaged Terrorists in Social Reintegration Initiatives
    (Cogitatio Press, 2024-05-09) Haula Noor
    Convicted terrorists released from prison often experience social stigma, exclusion, and difficulties reintegrating into society. Authorities have identified the utility of using formerly convicted and released terrorists or disengaged terrorists as an intermediary to help and support terrorist inmates as they go through social reintegration processes. This article explores their role as an intermediary who advocates for fair treatment and rights for their fellow ex-inmates, assisting families and helping them undergo the reintegration process. This research involved interviews with members of three foundations: Yayasan Persadani, Hubbul Wathon Indonesia 19, and DeBintal. By analysing the narrative of the participants, this study found that social reintegration efforts led by disengaged terrorists fostered a sense of social belonging and connectedness among ex-inmates. In addition, these foundations offer valuable assistance to terrorist inmates while ensuring community safety. They serve as a reliable support system during times of need and act as a communication bridge between them and the government. This framework positions these foundations as integral components in addressing concerns about the effectiveness of government-led integration initiatives. The approach adopted by these foundations has positive effects on preventing the re-engagement of released inmates with extremist networks. Despite the need to measure the effectiveness of these initiatives comprehensively, efforts made by these foundations provide potential for societal resilience against terrorism.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Prioritizing Life over Religion in Indonesia’s Covid-19 Fatwas : The Fatwas of NU, Muhammadiyah, and MUI
    (Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, 2023) Syafiq Hasyim
    The outbreak of Covid-19 in early 2020 introduced a new angle on the use of Islamic legal argument in Indonesian fatwas. The argument of prioritizing life (ḥifẓ al-ḥayā), rarely considered as a legal argument of fatwa-making, arose during the outbreak of Covid-19. This article seeks to examine the espousal of prioritizing life in Indonesian fatwas in relation to Covid-19. It uncovers the theological, social, and political reasons behind the decision to prioritize the ḥifẓ al-ḥayā. It examines fatwas on Covid-19 issued by three mainstream Islamic organizations NU, Muhammadiyah, and MUI that indicate their reluctance to adopt the argument of prioritizing life in their fatwas. This article uses an interdisciplinary approach combining the interpretation of Islamic legal theory, Islamic jurisprudence, and social sciences analysis. Finally, this article demonstrates how pro-life fatwas, by adapting to the pandemic era by prioritizing life as legal argument, benefits religion in general.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Crowdfunding for inter-faith peace : youth, networked social movement, and muslim philanthropy NGOs in contemporary Indonesia
    (State Institute of IslAccepted Manuscriptic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga, 2023) Bhirawa Anoraga
    This study exAccepted Manuscriptines the involvement of Indonesian youth and Muslimphilanthropy NGOs in the promotion of inter-faith harmony throughcrowdfunding. Crowdfunding or online fundraising has been rapidly growing inIndonesia. It has been used to respond to various issues, Accepted Manuscriptong which is religiousviolence. Oftentimes, when radical acts happened in Indonesia, people turnedto crowdfunding to express inter-faith solidarity and support. This study drawsfrom the concept of networked social movement to explain the characteristicsof crowdfunding cAccepted Manuscriptpaigns for inter-faith harmony. This concept highlightscontemporary online movements that are spontaneous, leaderless, and temporalin nature which is distinct from the well-organized movements commonly studiedby scholars. This study employs digital ethnography on cAccepted Manuscriptpaigns that respondedto religious violence in the largest crowdfunding platform in Indonesia, Kitabisa,which is complemented by interviews with the cAccepted Manuscriptpaign initiators and Muslimphilanthropy NGOs. This article argues that the characteristics of network social movement fit with the current youth generation that is assumed to be sociallyapathetic and more immersed in developing themselves and consuming media.Nevertheless, despite the spontaneous and temporal tenets, the youth’s inter-faithmovements were able to mobilize a significant number of donations and attractMuslim NGOs that were often perceived to be sectarian to support the inter-faithcAccepted Manuscriptpaigns. The findings of this study contribute to the studies on Indonesianyouth, IslAccepted Manuscriptic philanthropy, and the state of inter-faith relations in Indonesia,which was argued to be experiencing a conservative turn.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A Decade of Charitable Crowdfunding and Its Impacts on the Social Justice Trajectory of Islamic Philanthropy in Indonesia
    (Society for South-East Asian Studies, 2023-12-31) Bhirawa Anoraga
    This article aims to investigate the development of charitable crowdfunding and its impacts on Islamic philanthropy and its social justice trajectory in Indonesia. As the largest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia has thrived and undergone some legal and programmatic revolutions to promote social justice through Islamic philanthropy. However, this study demonstrates that the rapid growth of charitable crowdfunding in the last decade has some impacts on the social justice trajectory of Islamic philanthropy, particularly in the areas of inclusivity, sustainability, and governance. This study draws from the case of Kitabisa, the largest crowdfunding platform in Indonesia, by conduct-ing interviews with the founders and users and observing their online interactions on the platform and social media. This study also collects data on Muslim philanthropic Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that actively used Kitabisa to raise funds, with special attention to Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), one of Indonesia's largest Muslim philanthropic NGOs. This study found that the trend of crowdfunding has amplified the inclusive space in Indonesian philanthropy where Muslim NGOs actively provide social services and enact collaborations with non-Muslims. However, through crowdfunding, Muslim NGOs have become more accommodating toward short-term social programs or ‘charity’. The crowdfunding trend has also raised accountability and transparency issues in Indonesian philanthropy. This study argues that the broader involvement of grassroots actors, either individuals or informal communities, through crowdfunding explains its impacts on Indonesian Islamic philanthropy’s trajectory for social justice.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gus Yahya and the NU’s New Path: Note on the 34th Congress
    (Pusat Pengkajian Islam dan Masyarakat (PPIM) Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2022) Zezen Zaenal Mutaqin
    The 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Congress in Lampung was organized in an unusual situation. It was the first kind of NU congress organized in the era of a global pandemic. The date of congress itself was a subject of controversy and debated by competing candidates due to the lockdown, a standard measure taken by the government to control the spread of the Covid-19 virus. There was even an idea to postpone the congress altogether and asked K.H. Said Aqil Siradj, the incumbent leader, to stay indefinitely until the situation is back to normal. However, after a tussle and negotiation, finally, all factions agreed that the congress would be organized at the initial date planned by the Central Board of NU (Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama, PBNU), which was at the end of December (22-23 December 2021). At that time, the case of Covid-19 was relatively low, and the gap was perfect for a congress.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Politics of ‘Halal’: From Cultural to Structural Shariatisation in Indonesia
    (SSRN, 2022-03-01) Syafiq Hasyim
    This article seeks to explain the politics of halal and its connection to the model of ongoing ‘shariatisation’ through an investigation of the institutionalisation of shariatisation of goods in Indonesia. It illustrates the historical steps of halal institutionalisation in Indonesia, fom from the issuance of early fatwas on halal to the establishment of a state halal body. It assesses a contest between the two models of shariatisation: first, state-enforced shariatisation, epitomised by the Ministry of Religious Affairs; and second, community-enforced shariatisation, epitomised by Council of Indonesian Ulama. This article argues that contest between the state and society over the shariatisation of goods in Indonesia is part of a dynamic process towards shariatisation. The shariatisation of goods is not merely about politics and theology but also involves lifestyle and commodification issues. I conclude that shariatisation that begins as cultural shariatisation has more sustainability and legitimacy than ‘structural’, that is, state-imposed, shariatisation.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Relegitimizing Religious Authority : Indonesian Gender-Just ʿUlamāʾ Amid COVID-19
    (MDPI, 2022-05-27) Eva F. Nisa; Farid F. Saenong
    Studies have highlighted the increased vulnerability of women during and after disasters. Thus, there has been a call for gender-aware disaster management—an approach which is certainly needed, especially when a patriarchal culture is embedded in a society. Unfortunately, studies on women as vulnerable agents are often not balanced against careful examinations of instances where women help women. Drawing on (digital) ethnography conducted between 2020 and 2022, this article focuses on analysing the voices and activities of gender-just ʿulamāʾ (Muslim scholars) in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected traditional religious gathering practices, has led to creative solutions to social proximity restrictions. Many ʿulamāʾ have been “forced” by the situation to adjust to digital religion. This article analyses how female religious authorities who colour the daily daʿwa (proselytization) landscape in Indonesia deal with the uncertainties brought on by the pandemic. The daʿwa scene in Indonesia has long been the site of contention among various competing ideological understandings. The pandemic and the proliferation of digital religion has led gender-just ʿulamāʾ to relegitimize their authority through an online presence so they can compete and counter the narratives of tech-savvy conservative Muslims.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Intertwining Beauty and Piety: Cosmetics, Beauty Treatments, and Ḥalāl Lifestyle in Urban Indonesia
    (Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram, 2023-06-12) Yanwar Pribadi; Muhammad Adlin Sila
    This article discusses the intertwinement of beauty and piety among middle-class Muslim women in urban Indonesia through the use of cosmetics and beauty treatments within the broader trends of ḥalāl lifestyle. It uses an anthropological approach with case studies in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and Serang, the capital city of Banten Province. Jakarta and Serang were chosen because Jakarta is a picture-perfect example of an older area characterized by the abundance of middle-class Muslims and the vehemence of ḥalāl lifestyle, while Serang represents a newer area in this regard. Moreover, this article explores the understanding and practices of religious rituals, as well as the responses of urban middle-class Muslim women towards commodified goods and services, consumerism behavior, and communal piety. We argue that the use of cosmetics and beauty treatments has become one of the most glaring public expressions that has concurrently influenced the way urban middle-class Muslim women perceive themselves, beauty, and piety. In addition, we contend that the understanding and practices of beauty and piety are becoming increasingly complex in urban areas. Finally, we maintain that ḥalāl lifestyle has played an important role in strengthening Islamic identity in contemporary Indonesia.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Fragmentation of Dakwah Media: Exploring Exclusive Islam in Indonesia Post-Reform Popular Islamic Novels
    (Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram, 2023-06-29) Muhamad Taufik Kustiawan; Mhd. Rasidin; Doli Witro; Darti Busni; Mufti Labib Jalaluddin
    This article aims to highlight Islamic exclusivism in the form of popular Islamic novelS for children’s reading books in Indonesia after the reform of 1998. Building on the media theory of Gill Branston and Roy Stafford, this study explains Islamic pop novels as Islamic educational materials from a semiotic approach, structuralism, and critical discourse analysis. In particular, this study uses qualitative research methods by descriptively analyzing the reading of Islamic pop novels spreading in the Qur’anic Education Centre in Central Java. The results showed that since the Reformation, the movement used books, newsletters, magazines, and children’s readings of Islamic pop novels to shape the religious thoughts of urban Muslim children and youth in Indonesia. There is hardly a story related to diversity, the value of tolerance, and mutual respect between religious people in those materials. The awareness of religious comprehension in children's reading seems exclusive. It must be realized by various parties that the media utilizing Islamic literature is very influential on the growth and development of children's religious thinking in the educational space in the metropolis.