Muslim politics : political model of Islamic law in adat societies
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Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
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This research aims to analyze the political model of Islamic law within the indigenous community of Kerinci. The idea behind this research is the triumph of the Islamic party in the local, governor, and presidential elections in Kerinci, Jambi Province, between 2009 and 2019. Gradually, Islam acquired substantial political influence inside the customary domain of Kerinci. The study employs a combination of socio-historical and qualitative research. The data is examined utilizing Miriam Budiardjo’s political law approach, encompassing classical, behavioral, post-behavioral, dependence, neo-Marxist, rational choice, and new institutionalism approaches. Our research indicates that the implementation of Political Islamic Law in Kerinci is an integral component of the Islamic Populism movement, which has gained momentum and become deeply rooted in the political conduct of the local Muslim community. These cultural habits originate from the fundamental principles of society, which have emerged as a result of the assimilation of Islamic teachings into daily life. These individuals are involved in the decision-making processes of Adat Institution and Majelis Pengkajian Ulama’ (MPU). These individuals inherently endorse Islamic parties such as PAN (National Mandate Party) and PKS (Prosperous Justice Party). Adat institutions play a significant role in local elections by offering guidance through sectoral delegates in every adat region.
Muslim politic, Islamic law politic, Adat, Indigenous people