From fatwa to social media : unleashing global muslim solidarity through fatwa and digital activism movement
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Jurusan Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
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The Israel-Palestine war has brought an enormous amount of attention to religious tension, global solidarity, and humanitarian movement in the Muslim world. This study investigates the underlying factor behind the fatwa issuance and its impact on the new trend of global solidarity in the digital sphere. The theory of mediation of meaning and new media by Hoover has been used to navigate the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulama Council. This fatwa, regarding boycotts, divestments, sanctions movement, and the spread of Julid Fisabilillah digital activism, is a significant factor in shaping global Muslim solidarity. The digital activism is conducted by Indonesian and Malaysian netizens on specific social media platforms such as X, Instagram, and Telegram. This paper aims to contribute to the promotion of solidarity, compassion, and moral principles as fundamental aspects of humaneness. The research methods involved using a desk research methodology to collect data by analyzing scientific papers, digital media such as news, social media platforms, and literature reviews. The results indicated that this new trend of movements served as a means of expressing concern and advocating for humanity's values. It also aimed to create social justice and beneficial impact through humanitarian aid and establish emotional and moral connections to the Palestinian cause. Subsequently, the elements of religious tension, intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity, have intertwined roles in influencing this situation.
BDS movement, Digital activism, Global humanity, Julid Fisabilillah