Negotiating identities : the case of punk communities in the Tasawuf underground in Ciputat, Tangerang-Indonesia

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Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia
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This thesis examines the negotiation of identity between Punk and Muslim. This manifests the Hijrah Phenomenon in Pondok Tasawuf Underground, which has been active for the last six years. This movement identifies itself as a Hijrah community with tasawuf as an approach to street punks and several youth development programs, one of which is Auto Detailing training. Currently, members are recruited through Interpersonal communication between Street Punks in the TU Community and Street Punks in the Scene. In addition to offline da'wah, TU utilizes social media as a means of online da'wah by spreading Islamic teachings through Quotes and Videos of religious activities. Given that this phenomenon is one of the Hijrah phenomena that negotiates Street Punk Identity with religious piety, this study uses Religious Piety theory with the argument that the phenomenon of Muslim communities using religious labels or symbols, either Visible or Invisible, in the form of congregational prayer activities or the like, this is done to explore their religious piety in the public sphere. This research conducted for one month (Maret) on Fieldwork. Data collection techniques used semi-structured interviews, participatory and digital observation through WhatsApp status, Instagram, and Facebook. Interviews were conducted with 11 participants: one founder of the Tasawuf Underground community and ten Tasawuf Underground students. This thesis argues that the hijrah of street punks is influenced by the social network around the community space, whether through friends, family, or Islamic teachings obtained from hijrah communities. Tasawwuf, as a more moderate and tolerant manifestation of Islam, is able to correlate punk culture and Islamic values proportionally. Such as interpreting the meaning of freedom which is not characterised by freedom without rules. Where Hijrah participants can do whatever they want such as making music, styling punk without violating religious norms. This is in line with what Abraham said that religious values can synergise with punk culture. In line with the theory of ambivalence between culture, fun and faith as presented by Samuli Schielke which describes the ambivalence in morality, religiosity and pleasure. It promotes Sufism as a more moderate and tolerant interpretation of Islam, provides an alternative route to socio-economic mobilization, and encourages communication and understanding of comprehensive Islamic teachings. This makes it possible to negotiate punk and Muslim identities in an inclusive and tolerant manner. This research is expected to contribute to the literature of islamic activism studies, including the hijrah movement which is considered towards conservative turn. In contrast to this phenomenon the resul show that hijrah punk is more direct toward moderates stance.
Negotiating, Punk, Piety, Tasawuf Underground, Hijrah